Really fun, and a great way to learn the basics of Yu-Gi-Oh! The added benefit of seeing so many old era and new era characters is simply amazing.

Our friendship will be on the rocks if you don't like Bowgarts.

Quaint little rpg where you play as the @ key, and have to rescue letters to rebuild the world, literally, as locations and objects are locked out to you unless you rescue what fills in the blanks.

Cute, but overstays its welcome fast.

These guys made a flash game called the Veteran's House or something like that, and I adored the game, and played it until flash killed it. You click around the house cleaning it up in a certain amount of moves, find everything in a category and gain an additional 25 clicks.

This is that but bigger, and now it costs money. I think it's a pretty fine game, but feels a bit cold compared to its flash predecessor. I'm cutting some slack because the team behind this is small (Two guys I think?) and they can only do so much when their game has to compete with larger giants.

Solid game that took took the core essence of the demo/pilot and made it better! With room exploration for puzzles that changes tape by tape and hidden endings and secrets, it became a rapid joy to play through!

Maybe I shouldn't have laughed at them screaming when the oven caught fire...

Great thing to start my birthday to! It's what it says on the tin, counting 100 cats hidden in a funny circus

Props to the devs for naming all 100 of them!

For a DS game this wasn't actually half-bad. Two stories, and a few locations with the usual three-act format. Nice blend of early 3d that carries charm. Fast-paced and some of the better bops.

Really wish that rocket section in the final location was more generous with the screen tho...

Bleh. Ran like a brick, NSFW regulated to a single, very bad model. Don't waste your money.


What once was a pillar of Ai text adventure has fallen so, so low. I don't know if I'm missing something but the current build of the game is so shite at generating content. I get two or usually one baby sentence? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT?!?

Difficult, but unique puzzle game.

Played the mystery at the convention.
Great idea, crafting a story woven through several escape room point an click style, with a plethora of puzzles all to solve a whodunnit. Unfortunately you have to wait to get keys to unlock the next chapter of the story. And the keys stop stacking pretty much making you wait an entire day just to progress each time. 2.5 stars for the fact that I had fun, but the wait was unbearable, and you only had two mysteries out!?

Anyone who knows me knows I love point and click games, puzzles, and escape rooms: And this is all three in one! A decent romp between several themed puzzles with an eccentric cast and a pretty good bite-sized story. Definitely would recommend to anyone wishing to dabble in this sort of genre.

Got it from a friend. It's nothing much, mainly a small and short arcade-like game where you're an alien. Cute, but somewhat forgettable