I found a Korean version of this on the road!

This. This is how you pay homage to your fandom and your legacy. Great humor, fun references, tons of lore, and remastering of the first five games on top of a new one? Perfection.

Our friendship will be on the rocks if you don't like Bowgarts.

Screw that Good Christian Boy achievement. I'll try again if I can use save states.

If you haven't tried the official steam version, you should! For some easy achievements and a few new double or nothing items it adds a bit more pizazz!

wish they'd told me i needed to upgrade the habitat for more moshlings...

A great remake that takes a solid game and boosts it tenfold. I had a fun time, I laughed, I cried, I got mad, I got scared, and being an avid fan of the original, it was fun seeing what was changed.
This sounds positive but I only gave it 3 stars, the equivalent to a 60%, and why is that?
The difficulty spikes.
Anyone who knows me knows that I always play on the normal, middle ground difficulty, and ONLY change it if its literally near-impossible for me to continue otherwise. At least 5 times I contemplated switching to assisted mode because of this game. Unlike the original, where difficulty scaled with progress of the game, the remake has an absurd amount of difficulty spikes which when added to a lack of invincibility and swarm of enemies, it is sometimes very VERY easy to get sandwiched, or surprised, or smacked three times, during which you can't access your inventory to heal.
You were so, so close REmake, so, so close.

when one of your side quests is functionally broken, I think you should take time to rework it.

Genuinely sweet and well-thought game that helped bring life to a pretty meager LGBTQ+ game selection. That, and it def paved the way for the Game Grumps to make and aid in a lot of fun games to come, such as Monster Prom

We Deserved Millennium Girl HD! Not this extremely difficult original :<

Back to twelve and oooooh boy are them some games that scared me shitless! Themes of being an outcast with some genuine thrills and callbacks to previous games! It rewards returning players but is equally welcoming to fresh meat... er... players