Well this is... something. A farmville-esqe game with a lot of horny men's. I don't have time for a full length review, but it's an okay game. shame the progress from Nutaku isn't transferable, because it's a slow restart. Points off for the new content never arriving.

Give it to some other dev and I'll rate higher


For some reason the psplus catalog gives you encore edition benefits under the original name. No complaints here!

I played solely for the buff werewolf. He is single-handedly the only thing that is preventing me from giving half a star

got to it too late, and all the servers were gone. Shame too, it looked interesting

Known as "RPG Maker MV Player" on the playstation


TOEM - 10/10 (Review will avoid spoilers)

Found through PS Plus Essential, TOEM is a photographic adventure in a unique 2D-3D cartoon style.

(Story) The story is very simple, which makes sense as it takes a backseat to your gameplay. You play as yourself, tasked by your grandmother to go on a personal adventure to photograph the legendary event known as TOEM. Through your good deeds you can earn your bus pass in order to advance your adventure further to discover the titular TOEM.

(Gameplay) The game is a photography puzzle game, but don't let that discourage you in any way. In order to progress through the game you have to accomplish tasks and good deeds, and you do this mainly through your camera. Most of your deeds involve you taking photos and presenting them to people. The game progressively adds new twists, such as using a horn add-on or taking a tripod shot, or taking a selfie. For the most part this doesn't change at all during your time playing.

(Characters) The characters aren't really anything too important, and that's alright, since they aren't meant to have any great arcs or dynamics, more so that everyone is interesting in design and characteristic, most likely meant to reflect how in your journey through life you'll come across the most interesting and unique individuals.

(Music) The music is really pleasant. There's no rock, or remixed beats, but rather peaceful tunes meant to remind you that there is no rush in your journey, and instead you can take it easy, as life is not a rush, and is meant to be enjoyed.

(Difficulty) For a base game, as in only completing the necessary amount of good deeds, the difficulty won't be bad, and realistically you can accomplish this in a relatively quick amount of time. But trying to completely fill out your card in each area can be a bit of a hassle. Some deeds have no clear clues, and others require locating things that can be hard to find. The difficulty can spike, if you choose to tackle them.
In conclusion I think TOEM is a quaint little journey. If you want a peaceful break from high octane action, or like puzzle games this one is for you! I am interested in future games from this indie group, and even though It might not be for everyone but it deserves to be checked out.

Way better than people make it seem.
Does it have problems? Yes. Does that mean it is the worst pokemon game ever? Hell naw. This game did a lot of things right and people are ignoring it. This game had great designs, and single-handedly fixed rivals after the decline in X&Y.

Easily the worst of the mainline pokemon games. Ruined rivals, gift pokemon made this waaay too easy, things were unexplained for the sake of being unexplained, Zygarde kinda fell off, Mega evolution not as cool as many remember, and very bland Poke league and missed opportunities. Also worst evil team.

For some reason the newer version breaks when I finish the opening animation.

Broke around the 3/4 mark, and since it doesn't save I lost all the progress and with it, my enthusiasm to continue playing.

It's okay I guess. Tension doesn't exist, enemies kinda suck, and there's TOO MANY FUCKING COLLECTABLES!? If you want to waste a good few hours I guess you can with this.

Astouding, game-changing, and (genuinely) the hottest Hanzo we've been allowed to grace out eyes with.