top5 games with incredible finales :~)

HeLLO to any&all folx on the "gaming spectrum"! these are my personally objectiv choices. And RP (RoughPlay) is not tolerated in my comment sectionS!

the last few levels almost "knocked me out cold" (AHJAHHHJAH!!!!!!!!) from how good they were but when Nomad asked Prophet "Master Chief...What are you doing on that island??" and he replied "I AM FINISHING THIS FIGHT......" and then the trigger for loading the next level failed and the credits started playing instead for some reason??, I was frozen solid in sheer amazement
truely a dungeon crawler BossRush 4 teh ages.....
I love the Oblivion series so much bros.....if u couldnt tell, im a pretty big Morrowind fan, DagothUr is my favorite character besides Fargoth, the highlarious text2speech memes with him doing the racisms to lizard playercharctr are teh best, he did Nothing Wrong btw (YEA I WANT TO BE AN ABOMINATION WITH A CAVITY FOR A FACE SOWHAT!!!!) what even needs to be said rly? the final dunjeons and bossfight are about as epic as the amount of errands you have to do before gaining endgame entrance admittance if you play this like Your favorite letsplayer or streamer who doesnt join a great house let alone do any side quests that'd grant reputation (i dont know what this tangent has to do with anything sry), and when Azura pops up to say "Congratulation my lovely darling Nerevarine you are winner here is Fargoth's Ring (LOL!!!!) with a very modest stamina regen enchant" I cant help but begin straferunning with all the more zest towards playing thru Tribnl.....
time to put that there WarHam Boltgun we only give you here right at the very end to good use, Do The Deed and sate your bloodlust gamer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also the grÄfix at the veryvery end are veryvery good
YeP, turns into a proper classic on par with Metroid Prime and all Your other favorite gamecube games


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