Kill people through rats, Kill people through teleportation, Kill people by making others kill people while hiding in the shadows, or not, your decision.

Bludgeoning hordes of zombies with exploding teddy bears and golf carts gives this game a unique feel of excitement. With the added humor being a constant feature, there is a lot to love about the game.

Hack, Slash, and Beating Zombie Ass. The OG game with a lot of improvements and an upgrade to the visuals, finally bringing some history back into the present.

Not to be taken out of context, but I never knew storming beaches and being surrounded by explosions and flying bullets could be so fun.

Mafia, but you let your inner demons out to eat and tear people in half.

Picture this, you can be a guy only wearing pants attempting to use your bare fists to punch your way through giant skeletons, dragons, and knights, while continuously seeing a death screen. Really fun, just don't play after a hard day of work.

Now this game hits too close to home, it's just like my ex with a lot of false promises. In all honesty, I didn't have too many bugs while playing, so I got to play through the story which I thought was pretty good, and gameplay in night city is awesome. I'm just glad they are actually working to try and fix this game so others get a chance to play it.

My therapist says to stop playing this cause as appealing as the graphics are, it enrages me cause I suck.

The broken gameplay and toxic players makes this game very enjoyable.

The gameplay is just like me, I have good aim but somehow still miss my shot. Definitely a love/hate relationship with this game cause it's fun but broken, also having my dreams crushed because I never unbox a knife hurts :(

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Have good memories from this game, but why did I get catfished and made-out with a clown :(?

The robots keep inking on me. Had some fun with the little I played so I'm sure my rating would go up if I actually play through the game.

Felt like a slow GTA Online with blocky graphics. It's not that it was really bad, but it wasn't good either.

Bro shoots, Bro Kills, Bro Explodes, Bro turns into another Bro.