This MIGHT be the greatest game of all time
(I just hit e for the first time)

Was telling myself how much better this game would’ve been without the Disney bullshit but then I realized that’s just final fantasy

EDIT: Except for Stitch my beautiful boy can stay he’s great

Final Fantasy 7 eat your heart out THIS is how you do a fucking remake

Next run I swear I’ll stop using flush builds. I promise guys just one more run

I played this game for the first time while tripping. One of the best nights of my life

Oh boy this has been such a neat dungeon. I can’t wait to see what fun interesting boss is waiting for me at the end of it!

>it’s the fucking ulcerated tree spirit

This is the best Mario sports game hands down

If you used the ak74-u I hated you and everything you stood for

Go watch the Daryl Talks Games video about this game right now

Only problem is everyone else is really good at this game and I suck

As much as I hate to admit it this game is amazing

We didn’t know how good we had it 😔🤙

This is the best Pokémon game and that’s a fact