still play idc if it's bad

Great but a lot of cool features were locked behind paid DLC, leaving a somewhat less interesting city builder.

You will have to trail, wait, hold down buttons, and sevearl other minor inconveniences. But the characters, storyline, 1800s shooting mechanics, world development, and multiplayer are more than enough to carry this experience.

The most influential 3d game ever made that still holds some of the most fun moments in gaming. While some mechanics have aged, none of them discredits the adventure, scale, and wonder of a game that's simply fun.

New fluid controls, less reliance on back tracking, and exciting narrative. However, much more hand-holdy, bazaar motion control forcing, and dumbed down difficulty. Still really good but not perfect.

Any other game with this many bugs and repetition would get a much lower score. However, Skyrim's ambition and well executed elements make this a timeless piece that remains a reference point for game design.

A delicious appetizer of something much greater to come. The blend of rpg and real time combat from Undertale gets even better in this installment, although the omission of choice based outcomes removes a large part that made UT special.

A game that showed the difficult act of combining a retro theme with modernized platforming and level design. The game you remember from the NES despite playing much better than one.

Some of the most fps fun I had growing up with stages and levels that stick with me today. Local progression system is frustrating and so is the spawn killing, but the shooting mechanics and weaponry are still some of the best today.

I may be alone in preferring this game over the previous but the accessibility is high enough to the point I can actually experience what the game has to offer. The only issue is the levels seem to have less visual variation than the originals, but everything is still pretty.

A huge step in the right direction while still missing some marks that we love about Mario Party. The new modes added are all fun in their own right and shouldn't be overlooked.

A simple mechanic that is built off of for an arguably too short experience of an otherwise tremendous game.

A plethora of levels that almost all feel expertly designed. The pack in multiplayer and minigames makes this the one of strongest candidates to return to in the NSMB lineup.

I just couldn't get passed Fronteir's classic move of making the simplest of things take a dozen steps. It fatigued me in Planet Coaster, but at least the reward was cool coasters. I see little reward in checking off the many requirements for animal habitats. I can't say it's a bad game with my little playtime but I was certainly disappointed to say the least. I also just missed the steam refund period...

A very well executed genre blend of tower defense, resource management, and real time strategy. Multiplayer modes combined with custom workshop maps lead to endless amounts of fun.