Mechanically as solid as the previous entry with more boulder types and a level maker. However, the levels and theming feel less inspired and I'm usually left wanting to play the previous title.

A great premise that for years has been left unpolished in favor of more content (including paid dlc). The base game is hardly functional and very poorly optimized, yet the devs continue to add more broken elements instead of fixing the very core. Still, messing around with a friend or two can be captivating for a short time. Intimidating early game but fun midgame.

You can only play it when you're having a bad day and it's salt on the wound.

Gameplay is unique and executed perfectly with ultra precise controls. High learning curb but even higher skill ceiling that makes up for it. Multiplayer is intense while single player is more relaxing.

While it seems stale and leaves little reason to pick up over better lego games, it's worth mentioning that it introduced an innovative partial split screen that would reform when the players reunited. It also had a relatively robust level editor that you can't find in other lego games.

A cool idea that had neat functionality but desperately lacked content and support. An app with no where to build off of.

Was never a fan of the remixes but the spotlight given to Waluigi is p cool.

Came out on the perfect system at the perfect time (before the cell phone craze when every kid had a DS). 8 player multiplayer was still a novelty and only needing one cartridge to play was great. Both racing and battle modes were robust. Only hindrance is DPad steering made precise turning difficult.

Introduces cool mechanics such as drawing on maps or trailing boomerang lines. Despite the ocean being not as vast as WW, you can still get open world vibes from traversing the seas. Customizing the boat was fun. But frankly, what knocks it down a whole 1.5 is the darn dungeon you have to revisit constantly. Horrible mechanic that was clearly filler. Would've much preferred a smaller game and it's hard to pick up over Spirit Tracks.

Platforming feels very solid and value of collectables is rewarding. There's lots of charm in the characters and world, although not all the worlds have great level design. Alpine heights is so good that it could have been the whole game and I'd be satisfied. Not the best optimization and interactivity with objects often feels jank. Several objectives had me stuck wondering what to do, but other than that difficulty was fun and not overbearing. First world's boss fight is dumb but the rest are super fun.

Super sample concept but was great fun multiplayer

An idea that's far from new but executed almost perfectly. Great customization options.

Fun idea and neat levels but shooting, platforming, frame rate, and even turning around all feel absolutely terrible. Had tons of fun as a kid with it but even then I knew it was no where near as good as other shooting games I didn't own.


Snake is great, but the best way to play is through the Anaconda mini game in Time Splitters 2.