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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 26, 2024

First played

February 25, 2024

Platforms Played


Feels unfinished and bug galore. It also is short. Way too short. But it looks nice, controls are quite smooth. Pacing is amazing, the balance between puzzles, platforming and combat is very well done. I don't know the story behind this development yet but the final product is surprisingly very good. Of course the story is bland and character designs are... well, very mid 2000s.

But Lara's depiction here is quite in line with her original timeline and the dynamic with the rest of the crew is somewhat entertaining. Takes some inspiration from the Angelina Jolie's movies to build up the new universe, it shows, especially with her partners. And that was one of the few okayish things those movies had so I'll take it.

Crystal Dynamics' first try with Tomb Raider I'd say it went quite well. I don't know the general reception of the fandom with this game but for me it was a very enjoyable experience.