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1 day

Last played

February 25, 2024

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Looks like Kiryu can't keep winning, huh? Yakuza 6 surprises with an intimate story to the level of Yakuza 3 best moments and serves as an introspection of Kiryu as a character. Finally we can see how he actually grows beyond his yakuza traits. This game is dedicated to him and him only and every plot theme is ultimately about how Kiryu really feels. It may have some lows and was definitely not what I expected from the first couple of hours but that doesn't mean it's not a much needed journey for any fan of Kazuma Kiryu. This really is that video game, that piece of media.

On the technical side, the Dragon Engine feels a little bit rough here with the presentation and gameplay is not as fun as in Kiwami 2 but it kind of work thanks to the amazing heat system of this one. It still looks amazing nowadays tho.

There's not much I can say without getting into spoilers but I just want to say it's a little bit sad the story probably doesn't hit as hard now than when it released back in the day because reasons. But it still hits quite hard. Anyways, hang in there.