15 reviews liked by PedroBarba

Listen, I would sell my kidney for a longer version of this.

gaining health when people compliment you is actually so genius let npcs be wholesome



i respect this game more than i actually like it tbf

Souls-like monster hunter. Pretty damn good with a few hiccups.

its a fun game with a delightful artstyle which made me not realise it was 2 am

I usually don't like shmups but this one is WILD and super aesthetically pleasing

I feel like Elden Ring is going to ruin other games for me. There was rarely something that felt too challenging, and when there was, it was optional. Help or advice is always available somewhere if you’re willing to accept it.

Not only is this one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played, but it has a really cool mystery component that unfolds as you put more time into the substories. The game relies on some effective environmental storytelling.

Combat is snappy and highly customizable. The build variety in this game is nuts, and incredibly fun to think about when I’m not playing. The game overtook my life, truly.

In an industry where news are dominated by multibillion-dollar buyouts, it's refreshing to see a simple game made with ripped Castlevania assets and sold for three bucks finding success.
Why? Because it's fun.

Video games are great after all.

Haven’t actually played it but it asks for your pronouns and that’s fuckin dope