Yakuza 5 says "Yume" more times than the entire series mention of "Yumi"

Imagine Borderlands, but actually funny.

"Finding it though... that's not the hard part. it's letting go..."

proceeds to glitch the game and run away with all the gold bars

what the lack of pussy does to a mf

I swear the 140 hours of this game in my steam account aren't mine, please stop making fun of me

Portable has a lesbian Mitsuru, so it's clearly the superior persona version.

Yoko Taro fooled everyone into watching the credits 5 times.

Nocticula: gaslights, gatekeeps, girlboss
My Azata Protag: haha slay queen!
Ember: nonono, don't gaslight and gatekeep, only girlboss
Protag: hmmmm, maybe she's right.
Nocticula: hahaha, get out of here you stupid child
Ember and Protag leave
Nocticula: hmmmm, maybe she's right.

This game taught me to always use a rubber.

This game is about the daily hardships of what being an empath is like fr fr

The "Mortal Wounds" mechanic implies that every other yakuza protagonist were immortal beings with supernatural resilience

Overall much better than Coteries of New York, the writing is much more consistent, the ambience and art are still great and having a set protagonist really helps with the story.
I have some problems with how the reveals are handled at the end but nothing as bad as Coteries's ending.

Risen 2 with more budget and less racism, but it compensates it by having more colonialism.