3 reviews liked by PeterJBachman


this is that good good killer shit. as the final game in the series, Face Of the Killer is absolutely fantastic.

in its presentation, it's the most advanced, with even more from the game's camera. the prior games do cool things with the camera, yes, but this one kicks so much ass with all the new things it tries. narrative is progressed through the new uses of the camera, moods are set, and yet the classic Of the Killer camera 'jank' is all still wholly present. the use of 3D is increased, effectively, while still maintaining the delightful cartoony art style the series is known for. our main protagonist, BB, is even more expressive than ever, too. there are so many more unique facial expressions for our girlie, and i love her so so much.

everything really comes together in this one. with references to all the past games, it's an excellent send-off, and definitely my new favorite in the series. it's just as surreal as its siblings, if not more so. all of thecatamites' presented themes over the course of the series are present, while still covering new territory that makes his games so damn delightful and so damn meaningful as art. the concept of history is fuckin weird! the way that manmade constructions just kinda stack on top of each other is fuckin weird! figuring out what you're going to do after college sucks! what the fuck even is immersive theater?? yet Of the Killer doesn't stop there at those surface level observations, and makes whole games out of those concepts adorned with juicy social commentary. this one blends all of those fuckers together in a wonderful cacophony and honestly? i don't even feel smart enough to talk about any of it in a way that's constructive. maybe some day when i replay all of these games in the future, i'll take a deeper dive into the politics "of the killer". just know that i fucking love it and i agree so hard with many of the sentiments thecatamites presents in this series.

the game makes fun of many horror tropes, and then flips the script and ropes you in with them. it's a constant back and forth, and it isn't afraid to even make fun of its own construction at times. the humor is incredibly casual and so effortless, yet the more grim moments are still unsettling. he has this way of writing that makes you feel like you forgot how to read while still being coherent, and i love it to death. i'm sad that this is the last one, but damn, it did not disappoint me.

y'know, maybe they're right. history IS a nightmare-- and loving it!

bebe the people’s princess

Hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah