My Contrarian Opinions

I don't consider myself to be much of a contrarian, in fact, I don't really think that my opinions tend to go against the grain that often. Still, there are games that I don't care for that are almost universally beloved, and vice versa, so for fun, I decided to make a list dedicated to those games I disagree with the populace over. Will update in the future as I play more games.

Wrong Number changes its level design philosophy from it's predecessor and forces you to play in a way that's antithetical to that of the first game. People don't like that and so they write this game off without ever bothering to learn or appreciate the new approach this game offers. People also somehow find the story confusing because events are told out of order, despite the fact that there are dates and times displayed when the story changes perspective as well as plenty of context clues in regards to when certain scenes take place.
I think playing the Deluxe version of Pikmin 3 gave me a negative impression of the game as a whole. I might've liked this more if I had played the original version. Deluxe adds levels of difficulty with "normal" actually being extremely easy. In fact, it's easier than the original Wii U version. As a result, this whole game felt rather boneless and boring as a result. I was never at risk of running out of juice and I blazed through the whole game without a second thought. I never felt challenged at all. Maybe playing through it again on hard will change my opinion on it. I did really enjoy the spectacle of the boss fights though.
I really liked the first half of the game, but it takes a very blatant nosedive in quality halfway through, where it casts aside any notion of being a horror game and shifts its focus to more of an action game with mediocre combat and bland spectacle setpieces.
Common opinion towards this game might have shifted in recent times, as I feel like a lot of people don't look at this game as fondly as they used to. For my two cents, I think there's an enormous appeal in this game's controls and aesthetic and I have a lot of nostalgic fondness for it, but the structure of the game is a step down from Mario 64, and there are a lot of challenges and levels that are just designed immensely poorly and lead to a lot of frustration.
CrossCode seems entirely designed around doing the most mundane, generic and boring sidequests imaginable in order to be at a level where you can actually progress the game. There is also a lot of focus on one particular type of puzzle, where you need to shoot things at the correct angle so that your shot properly ricochets and its the intended target, and this lack of puzzle variety gets really old the more you play. I loved the art and music, and the combat is fun when you aren't forced to farm the same enemies over and over for materials or exp. Played for about 16 hours and had to really force myself through it.
Yakuza 5 seems to be cherished by the series' fanbase and I truly do not understand why that is. I think that the appeal must lie in the side content, which I didn't do much of. Traversing the overworld is annoying because it feels like the random encounter rate is cranked obnoxiously high (I'm aware of the item that increases the amount of enemies in the world and I didn't use it), I feel like the story's a frustrating mess, Saejima's section is painfully boring, and I don't like the forced rhythm gameplay in Haruka's section. At the very least, it has my guy Tatsuo Shinada in it. Dude saved the game honestly.
I honestly think that there's a lot Metroid Prime gets right, especially for the series' first 3D game. I loved it's tone and atmosphere, and I thought that individual sections of the world were well designed. Still, Prime has a lot of things that really hold it back for me. Boss fights take too long to defeat and aren't especially challenging, some of them have glitched hurtboxes on their weak points too. It takes way too long to get from one section of the map to another, especially given how many times you need to backtrack over the course of the game. It really needed some kind of fast travel system. The map doesn't indicate if you missed a power up in a location or not, instead there's this crude timed hint system that will just tell you where to go if you take too long getting to where the game wants you to be. The visors caused me eye strain. The Artifact Hunt was really tacked on and exasperated the backtracking issue. I'm bummed I don't like this more than I do.
While it doesn't innovate the Arkham series in the slightest, Origins does manage to at the very least retain the quality of its predecessors. I think it has a great story, fun boss fights, spectacular music and the best art direction in the series.


2 months ago

Love to see Origins getting any positivity is can. Love that game.

Not a big fan of Prime or Sunshine either.

2 months ago

respect for all the hotline miami 2 defenders of the world, good list

2 months ago

love hot line miami too! dont no why one dont like the game . so good .

2 months ago

I think most people like HLM2, no? The ones who hate it seem to be a vocal minority.

2 months ago

hotline miami 2 hell yeah

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