Platinumed this game long ago on a ps4 account i haven't used in years so i dont know the exact date but this was a good game

peak fortnite was the best multiplayer game ever made, but not anymore

yeah i really hate half life 1 mechanics, this was horrible

i was fun at first but now the last levels are so annoying i dont ever want to play this game ever again
aged like milk


will always come back to this game, hope they add actually multiplayer one day

The first 2 chapters were really good but the last 2 really dragged, I've heard Entropy Zero 2 is better though gonna play that soon

I've put 103 hours into this game and if feel like that's enough for this game, officially retiring it

Got all the endings in 24 minutes pretty decent nothing special tho

pretty fun playing stupid silly games with my friends

I'm so proud of myself for only using a guide twice

I used to play this game a lot last year and I naturally got 68/73 achievements on steam, so today I went back and finished those last achievements and now I'm actually done with this game

The joy I get from joining random RP servers and shooting every person there with a deagle and then getting banned is simply unmatched