11 reviews liked by PlayWithCrafty

I never understood the acclaim for this. Even as a child, the game felt kinda bad to control and I always thought it was ugly. It's not horrible, but even at the time it came out I can think of multiple platformers I rather play.

Excellent and very polished game with a great campaign

Easily the best version of the best 2d Mario game. The graphics are nice, the SFX are improved from the SNES version, and it comes with Mario Bros which is also pretty fun. There are also the e-reader levels but I never played those. If you have a GBA then I strongly suggest picking this up.

I'm not a fan of some of the level design choices in World 7 and 8; 8 in particular is side scroller hell. The rest of the game is pretty solid though.

Bro who the fuck changed the SpookWare page I made for the original itch.io game into a page for the Steam one? They're completely different games...

When they announced this in a Direct, I got really excited for what it could be, seeing the theater aesthetic combined with a little bit of mahou shoujo energy, and also being a brand-new Peach game, so it felt like it was made for me. Then it came out, and after playing all the 1F levels, I honestly already gave up.

Lots of people point out that this game is "too easy" or "just made for kids" (I could go on a rant about this one part for hours, but I just want to keep things short), but I think that none of these have to do with the main problem. The thing is, this game is just built in a way that you are never really engaging with it. Everything is already solved, and the game is just waiting for you to press a button to conclude the "puzzle." All the cool ideas it has last so shortly or are affected by the previously mentioned principle that plagues it. All the stages are decorated in a way that tries to please you from a visual point, but they are no different from an empty one when you walk around them. It just kinda makes all of it worse with the fact that I played Ape Escape 3 this year, and it's kinda just the exact opposite of all of this? They share some motifs when building levels (a ninja-themed one, a cowboy one, etc.), but everything there is more tactile and feels alive. The monkeys around the stage are all doing their own thing relevant to the theme chosen for the level, while also changing how they respond to the player, be it with their attacks or positioning. So, while there it feels like you're actually playing a role and being a part of the show, in Peach Showtime, it just all feels like I'm watching things unfold and that's it.

People will tell you that this game sucks and that would be correct



imagine the rhythm game genre, but lame and also for pedophiles

sure, it's better than the first game. the stage design has pretty drastically improved. my biggest qualm with this one is the downtime; there's a similar amount of content, but that content is now separated with frankly unfun minigames and replaying levels for more materials. i also encountered lag issues during bosses, like the first game.

outside of the stage design, the changes are pretty lateral, so it really hasn't improved too much over the first