This game makes me want to commit genocide against the space races

I have put well over 4000+ hours into this game and i can say that i still suck with the jets

Truly one of the WW1 games of all time

Every great thing must have its cheap copy, and this, im afraid, is one of the worst ones. I have been playing this game series for 10 years of my life at this point. I was but a child when this series swept me up, and now i am a fully grown man, and have spent just under half of my life playing this game series. I will see it through till the end, but after the addiction has been severed, i will be free at last

Take your mind back to an easier time. 2014 feels like just yesterday, but was 10 whole years ago. I can still remember the day that i downloaded this games beta. That day will live on forever in many of our hearts as the worst days of our lives. The day that addiction set root into our bodies, and took over our minds. This game was like an abusive relationship, and we all had Stockholm syndrome. Many long nights trying to complete the Vault of Glass, all to never get a 30 light helmet to drop. The whole first year of this game with no gjallarhorn or fatebringer drops. Except for 14 whole days before the release of Taken King, and they then would become obsolete. Many long days of trials runs to only face people using keyboard and mouse, or the inevitable lag switch. And one long year later, the Iron Lords opened their doors to us, and ushered in an era of warmth, and joy for the community. However, something on the horizon was brewing. Something to bring all manor of mortal men to their knees. Soon, Destiny 2 would arrive

Oh Northernlion, how i love you so

All the build up, all the hype, all the fan fair, and for what? At best, a 2/5 game that is ruined by the worst dialog ive seen in a video game

You're talking to a top 100 NA Lucio Baller here

Its all downhill from here baby

I wish this game didnt exist. My high school life would have been infinitely better without a drug like this game

The only thing holding this game back was trying to compete with CoD and Battlefield

Rarely in gaming do we find something as complete as Titanfall 2. This game had one of the best campaigns out of any shooter to date, and also came with a complete multiplayer experience to boot. Respawn took everything they learned from Titanfall, and pushed it to the breaking point for this game. The gunplay is superb, the movement was improved when no-one thought it possible, the titans have more customization and abilities, and the map design has something for every playstyle. This game is truly a modern master class in how a multiplayer movement-shooter should be developed. It is unfortunate that EA had to butcher the legacy of this game with something like Apex, however, this game stands as a testament to a time long ago when devs had passion, and cared for the community in which they served

Oh Todd, how i love your abuse