I bought this game alongside a Wii U Pro Controller

This review contains spoilers

My favorite Kirby Game, it has Earthbound the Kirby Ability, and the villain's name is Maxx Profit Haltman

I was in need of an RPG to get lost in, it was a desperate time, a drought if you will

I struggled on the final boss because the cutscene beforehand misled me. I don't know if anyone else went through that or am I just fucking stupid

I wanna say I tried to 100% this, but I'm not sure

I find it funny that the game can be stupidly short if you know spoiler stuff. I also don't have the heart for a normal or genicide run

I didn't expect a whole lot from this game, and then I played it. If this looks like your thing, please play it

I would play this game more, but the finger gymnastics I have to do makes my brain hurt. Fuck Beowulf

This game has one legitimately good moment, after that, the rest of it is hokey as fuck with your only two romance options being an asshole and a creep

To all the people who hated the 3DS era experience share, after having it and fighting every single trainer I ran into, I get it

I don't know if I can call this the best Pokemon remake, but it's my favorite. Probably because it's my favorite

I never got it experience pre-patch bayonetta :(

The first had better story moments, but mechanically it's unrivaled

Whoever decided that Big band was going to be the music for Mario needs their balls tickled