3 reviews liked by Pogkek

You guys spent $70 on Bad Piggies

It’s about making the most of your short time in life yet it’s 82 hours long? Hypocrisy much?

>enemy commander shows up
>"he he ho ho i'm gonna kill you >:)c"
>casts super hell shadow pain missile at him
>enemy commander, dying, opening up a heart shaped locket: "now I, as a single father who is very well loved by their local community, won't be able to pay for my blind child's cancer medicine :("
>enemy commander yelps, falls over face first and drops a potato sack
>1.5 seconds of silence
>"CONGRATULATIONS" in bold and golden words pops up on screen
>the entire Cincinnati Orchestra puts their whole pussy into playing a fanfare tune
>a whole ass audience worth of people scream in applaud at the loot you stole off his corpse

good game