Wow this was awful. A glorified Flash mini-game for 100 levels. The game has some really small nice cutscenes, but then the game reuses all of them besides the intro and outro. The game does a really bad job at differentiating what you can run through and what makes you explode forcing you to retry the level, especially the sand area. Awful experience

I don't even know how to rate this

Decided to finally try the update after years of saying I would, and I must say it's very impressive. Whenever they originally announced this in a Pokemon Presents, I was confused as the original game already featured an adorable art style with a lot of content, but this is astonishing. There are literally thousands of new levels, hundreds of new Pokemon, new game mechanics, new costumes and upgrades, on top of all the original content still be accessible. While the gameplay is most similar to Disney's Tsum Tsum, if that's your thing there's hundreds upon hundreds of hours of content here. It's not particularly my thing, but I can still recognize a good (and free!) product when I see one. Well worth playing if you're into this type of puzzle game.

I guess it isn't the worst thing I've played, but as all the Junior Arcade subseries games go, it's one gameplay loop for 100 levels. I will say it was more engaging and more visually appealing than Cheese Chase, whatever that's worth

It's unfortunate that this game is only barely better than Star Allies to me. I was really excited for 3D Kirby only to be let down by a stripped down ability selection, a cookie cutter set of levels, and challenge stages that didn't really feel important or even that rewarding. The dodge roll has also ended up in the same boat as other modern games where it's just definitely the best option in almost every scenario creating bland boss fights/combat. I liked /some/ of the levels, they were just few and far in between. None of the hidden collectables were that complicated, a problem shared with KSA. However, it's still Kirby: great music, appealing art style, wonderful enemy design, and an eldridge horror final boss are all marks of a still solid experience, I just wish it stood out to me more. Car Kirby is the best tho

Actually one of the worst games I've ever played

Also one of the worst games I've ever played

Only reason this isn't lower was because I went to Virginia to play it (:

This is my comfort bad anime fighting game. It's silly, the assists are fun and ridiculous, it's not that deep, and it's easy to play. It's really not even a great game or anything either (notably lacking real single-player content with subpar netcode), but I can't give it any less than 3 stars because it's just so much fun to mess around on with some friends...or if your waifu is in it.

This game quite literally is just better Wii Fit. It's like if the original got DLC except it was its own game. Since you can get a Wii Balance Board at most thrift stores for like $2 and this game goes for less than $10 usually, this can be a solid work out tool. The mini-games don't help that much besides maybe the Free Step/Run games. The yoga and strength training are where it's at for an actual sweat. I considered this beaten once I had successfully played every activity in the game, which actually took surprisingly long if you keep your work outs short. Solid fitness game all around!

Rating and such just for the challenge stages, the collection as a whole has a lot of great games and is worth playing.

A short yet fulfilling sequel to the original with a few new mechanics focused on movement. The horror is tuned down in this one, but still has its unnerving moments. Actually features a boss fight which is cool

This game really wasn't that bad. It felt like a GBA game with some forced DS mechanics (microphone, excess of touchscreen controls) but it's not done as poorly as some other DS games pre 2008. While I would have liked to have seen zero autoscrollers and perhaps a buffer for the jump input, the real crime was forcing you to collect all the Toads (3 in each level) before you can play the final boss. The game does not tell you this ahead of time. I ultimately didn't bother with this and watched the final boss on Youtube which is less than ideal. This forced collection alone dropped the game probably a whole star, it was a fine 2D platformer otherwise

I really don't think this game is that bad. I don't even remember why I owned this, but I decided to finally try it. Over the course of about 8 hours of gameplay I successfully beat one boss. The game is supposed to be sorta like an NES Mega Man with its run-and-gun and sliding coupled with the art style, but the game is unforgivingly difficult. Not in a Kaizo way, but in a "there are no checkpoints, each level is disgustingly long, and the bosses take a year to beat". You can buy checkpoints with the in-game currency, but they're kind of expensive and the game literally calls you a cheater. It tries to be snarky, but instead is just kind of cringe. Again I really don't think it's that bad since the controls are actually pretty solid, but I just don't have the time nor willingness to grind a game I simply don't care about.