This was made by the guy who made Custom Robo as a spiritual successor of sorts, but this game reeks. There were a couple novel ideas like using the second stick to control Pods (or whatever they were called in this game) and having online play. The issues were the games netcode being trash beyond belief and the new supers system being dummy broken. You could turn them off, but then the games either took too long or felt completely lifeless as attacks had no impact on hit. The presentation was also just kinda ugly. It's not the worst thing I've ever played, but sad that it was a Mighty No. 9 type of spiritual successor.

A fantastic game, simply beautiful progression of the Pikmin franchise. The graphics are incredible, the Pikmin AI is much improved, the areas are varied and expansive, and 100%ing this game took me 50 hours! There are 3 relatively minor complaints that I have: long loading times, too much dialogue (especially at the beginning of the game), and the weird second-long pause when throwing Pikmin onto something when it's reached minimum carrying capacity. There are some minor things here and there that feel like they limit the skill ceiling a bit, but at least that's mostly fixed by end of the game. Nitpicking aside, this is the best game I've played this year and one of the best games on the Nintendo Switch.

TGM3 is an interesting case, because while it follows the formula from TGM1&2 in basically every way (now with a save feature!), you can now hold pieces. Thus, this is the start of "Modern Tetris" by some definitions without the crazy combo game incentivized by Tetris games released within the last 5 or so years. It's this strange formula that, while fun, is obviously perfected in later installments of modern Tetris. So while TGM2 remains the king of classic Tetris and one of the must play games of the classic style (along with NES Tetris), the same can't be said for TGM3 and modern style. Even then, the game is still fun and a very clean Tetris experience.

Makes you feel like a dweeb when you're playing it, but it is really fun

Wasn't bad, just forgettable with generic level design

A fun little game that I've only played thanks to Seckwrecks and SGDQ. Definitely a better score than deserved thanks to the community aspect around the game, especially at SGDQ 2018 and 2019, and I loved every second of it

Playing the egg game has even less purpose than the luggage game in the airport one. Just get to level 30 and you'll have seen everything that the mini-game has to offer, otherwise the game is fine. You sure do Explore the Farm

It's edutainment, but absolutely brutal if you wanna complete everything. Seriously, don't do all 99 levels of the luggage minigame it's not worth it

Wow this was awful. A glorified Flash mini-game for 100 levels. The game has some really small nice cutscenes, but then the game reuses all of them besides the intro and outro. The game does a really bad job at differentiating what you can run through and what makes you explode forcing you to retry the level, especially the sand area. Awful experience

I don't even know how to rate this

This is mostly a novelty at this point, as it's essentially just a tutorial for the Gen 1 Pokemon TCG. That being said it plays fine, the graphics are certainly dated, but again, it's a fine novelty to kill a couple hours.

While it has certainly aged in the controls department, the level design and music are so strong. An all-time classic for sure

Played this for the first time in about 15 years without really remembering anything about it. Unsurprisingly, it's not that good. The graphics aren't great but they're kinda like an old Saturday-morning cartoon which certainly has its charm, at least the animations are pretty good. The voice acting is overall bad, but there's a few characters that do a solid job, and some of the side characters do some mildly funny voices (such as a mob boss). However, the core gameplay loop is definitely still just edutainment based and they make you repeat the same mini-games like 4-5 times each which gets real irritating and really pads out the game-time. Still, vaguely fun to back to just to remember what it was like tho

Screw the pentomino puzzle tho