My 2ND favourite COD experience. Our first real look at choice based COD. Ranked Play. Shame hackers have completely destroyed the MP

Unique movement system. Interesting enough story. MP ruined by loot boxes. Kevin Spacey is bland. Press F

The game that started the FPS juggernaut.

Never again will we experience true greatness

I really really wanted to like this. I really really wanted it to be a Dead Space clone. Why oh why is it so.... meh.

Incredible looter shooter. Still feels and plays great today.

Would have performed significantly better if sold without the Battlefield name. Cops and Robbers.

Start of the downward trend, yet I still feel it gets judged too harshly.

Unplayable MP in 2023 due to cheaters but.

The last truly great BF experience, if you can forget the first few months of issues.

Enjoyable MP that we have always known and loved. War stories are unique and engaging. Perfect WW1 shooter.

Kickstarted it's own action adventure genre. Incredible game, still enjoyable today. Essential for not only DC fans, gamers in general.

Continued greatness. Essential.

Gorgeous art style let down by lack lustre story. Deserved better closure.

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Interesting premise let down by horrendous performance issues and.... "crispy critters"