Must play for fans of the racing series. Best racing MP for semi-casual racing fans.

The reason why I bought a PS3. I cannot express how much I love this game.

Great looking game ruined by cringey dialogue IMO. wave type missions were a nice change.

Series was starting to slow down, despite it being still a top tier game. Great closure in the trilogy.

peak of the series. Best MP. best story. Really, really enjoyable.

Great third person shooter. Bro-gamers unite.

Absolutely gorgeous game with nothing to do in it. Played once, played them all.

Much much better than the first. Clearer story, better gameplay, tricky yet fair boss fights. Must play for survival horror fans.

Creepy survival game. Story gets a little confusing. Must play if intentions of playing the 2nd.

Nifty puzzle co-op game let down by lacklustre story and minor performance issues.


Must play for fans of the FPS genre. Beautiful, fun, gorgeous reboot of the massive series.

Essential game ruined by greedy corporations (as of 2023).

Incredible game. Fantastic narrative where every choice truly matters. Must play for fans of story driven experiences.

Harshly judged for focus on co-op teamwork vs series traditional roots. Still worth a play through.