Not any better than the first, just way shorter and sold for the same price.

THE best sci-fi universe, ever.

I swear I'm gonna come back and finish this one day


I've never been able to get into Dark Souls, and I think part of the reason why is that when I fail a boss, I just want to restart it, right away.

I like challenging bosses, but I don't enjoy having to run through a bunch of regular enemies for a few minutes between each attempt. I know some people like that, but it's not for me

In Furi, you don't have to do that shit! You just fight some really hard bosses over and over without any fluff(except cutscenes, which you only see once and then they don't repeat between attempts), and it's great. I really like it.

So many fond memories with this game, man. It's not perfect but it's just a blast.

Adding multiplayer honestly just made the game harder, because you're constantly bumping into each other any messing up each other's jumps, but playing this with other people is such a joyous experience, and it's forgiving enough that when you make a dumb mistake and accidentally kill your friend, you'll just laugh and restart the level.

Hey! They learned from their mistakes! This game is actually pretty decent!

Such a fun game that managed to find new ways to keep me engaged every time I played it.

I really liked Tyranny! I do wish it was longer, but even so, it managed to get me very invested in this setting. It also had some pretty fun combat, and lots of replayability given the 4 different paths you can take.