We're never gonna get another game like this, are we? Video game lightsabers are just gonna be baseball bats forever.

I get that it's a kids game but come on, kids can handle more than this.

The boss fights are pretty fun, and there are some imaginative puzzles to solve, but in between all the fun stuff, there are so many boring fights against the same, way too easy enemies.

If you're gonna make a Battlefront game without a single player campaign, you'd need some REALLY good multiplayer to make up for that. This game does not make up for that.

Man, I don't have the best PC, but if it can play Baldur's Gate 3, it should've been able to play this. Optimize your damn game, Bethesda

I'll probably be doing playthroughs of CK3 intermittently for the rest of my life

Every mission has so many options for how to solve it, and they're all fun.

It's Skyrim, man.

Yeah it's got some bugs, the combat isn't great and the open world isn't that big anymore compared to modern games.

But I don't care. Like, at all. Skyrim is magical, and exploring it for the first time is an otherworldly experience. Nothing can ever take away the feeling you get when you step out of Helgen for the first time.

It's a very fun puzzle to solve, but once you solve it, you'll be pretty disappointed with the ending, and you won't have any reason to ever play it again.

The only Metroidvania that's managed to grip me so far, for some reason I just wanted to see every nook and cranny of this dead world

It's got a very cinematic style that not everyone is gonna vibe with, but man if you can get into it, it tells a really good story. And you get to play a pretty cool action game while you listen to it, as a treat.

Everything I liked about the original, and more.


Very fun, but it got kinda repetitive after a while. I wish there were more boss fights or something.

About as good as the first game, plus now you get to choose between two characters with completely different abilities, giving you even MORE options for how to play.

It's the little things with Ghost of Tsushima. It all comes together. At the core of the experience is a pretty standard action game where you block/parry most attacks and dodge to avoid the unlockable ones.

But there's more to it than that, so many little moments that make this game special. It really needs to be experienced to be understood, but there's something serene about it.

Solid, but I can never go back now that I've played the second game