Bro stop fucking YAPPING holy shit. The designs are very ...alright overall? Some are kinda basic. However Lusamine is one of the best villains in the series and the fact they had to tone her down for USUM speaks volumes. It's an okay game.

Way better than the basics but they really fucked with the story a bit and it's somehow not as good. Necrozma is cool as fuck though.

I actually don't mind this. Sure it's kind a fucking mess but the region is kinda cool despite being a bit linear. The designs are peak though, honestly my favorite gen design wise, James Turner is so fucking good at making charming but deep cut reference Pokemon designs. The gym leaders all feel so memorable too and I love Bede even though he's a little under developed. Eternatus fucking rules as a design too. It's very weak story wise and graphically its pretty ugly, except for the models.

It's fine....kinda boring but fine. The extra stuff makes it at least fun at times and the post game platinum stuff is cool. The elite four however are SO fun in this, tough battles with items and competitive builds. I actually had to try it a few times before I won. More like that please.

Pretty good!, Kinda dated and controls like shit but...yeah it's cool. Pretty decent level design until the last few levels where things get a bit convoluted. I played it when I was a kid but I didn't remember loads about it. Overall a pretty decent game.

This is one of the worst things I've ever played. It's a miserable experience and honestly has some of the worst level design of any game. What an absolute pile of dogshit.

A brutally difficult game at times, the characters are all really well written and Ratchets development is great. The guns are really fun to use and each world is pretty interesting. The writing overall is still funny.

I plays better but it's kinda boring. I don't give a shit about the protopet story and Quark is a bad villain.

A massive improvement over the last and one of the best Ratchet games. It's got some weird padded out sections but I like the characters and story so it kept me engaged. Dr Nefarious is such a good villain, I sure hope they don't overuse him and make me sick of seeing him.

I don't really get it. It's fine but it's very tedious. I don't understand why people adore this game.

It's fine. The story is interesting and the overall gameplay is good. It's just kinda boring to play.

Surprisingly fun, maybe cuz its shorter but I didn't get as bored as I thought I would.

Dr Nefarious returns and engages his most ruthless plan yet. What a GOOD game, great characters and writing, amazingly fun gameplay, great variety. I don't think they're gonna top this.

It's alright. Way too short and most of the stuff that happens doesn't even matter.

It's fine if you have friends to play with, it's very tedious though. They play the Trololo song for some fucking reason at one point.