This fucking rules. It's not as good as real musou games but goddamn I love playing as these characters and fighting 10 billion enemies. It's just a Kamen Rider fanservice experience.



A near perfect masterpiece of storytelling and design. There's some jank that will turn people away but goddamn this is amazing.

This is pretty great. I love the writing and the characters but honestly I didn't need the flashy platinum style combat. It's really well designed but it's not really what I play these games for.

Genuinely one of the best horror games of all time. I have no idea how you could improve on this.

They couldn't improve on 2. Still alright though.

This blows...but it's still got some fun when playing in co-op.

Honestly I don't hate this. The Chris campaign is ass and its the furthest away from the roots of the series its ever been. But there's still some fun elements at play.

This is ass. 4 enemy types the entire game as you just go through the most recent horror tropes like "Scary little girl". The gameplay is fine...the kind of thing you've seen 40 times before. Chaser enemies suck and go from "Oh fuck" to "Alright can you fuck off I'm trying to do something" by the second time you see them.

A decent action game with some interesting ideas. It's kinda mediocre as is but way better than 7....that's not really hard though. It has a lot more interesting of a gameplay structure and locale but in the end it's just another Capcom game in an era where they're all just treading puddles without getting any deeper.

Capcom are desperate to let you remember how good 4 was because that's the last time the series was truly relevant because Shinji Mikami left after that.

This is the worst mainline Resi game. Why the fuck are there no item boxes? I have to drop all my shit in one room. Character swapping is stupid as shit. There's not enough supplies for it. Dreadful.

Why the fuck is 50% of this game set on a fucking shipwreck? Why is there so much combat? The combat is ass. Later in the game they start putting like 6 dudes with auto aim into rooms or just have Snow Leopards spawn around corners in pairs. The controls are still jank as fuck too. The Level design is thankfully still really good. I do not get why they make you explore things that aren't tombs for half of this. TR1 had this great balance of exploration and combat, everything felt well laid out. TR2 has you doing jank ass vehicle sections while exploring mostly buildings while 45 guys show up to shoot at you. I do not get it at all.

An amazingly fun platformer with incredible movement tech. The visuals are super charming and the music is really damn good. The bosses are....very buggy and not that great and there's a good few platforming bugs too. But a few patches could probably fix those up easily. It can be a bit easy to overshoot your jumps due to the way the game controls but once you get movement down it becomes a real joy to power through levels with it. The levels differentiate themselves enough but the layouts can still look very similar.

Overall a great experience with some small letdowns, but I honestly want to see more of this.

It's been lovingly remastered and rebuilt in an entirely new engine. The visuals are gorgeous and it keeps all the extra content (even finishing some for TR3 that never came out).

Modern controls are ass tho. Back or slide flipping are limited to the guns being out and it just doesn't work. The free camera also breaks endlessly to the point where it's impossible to see.

I'd also say that the remastered visuals make some pickups almost impossible to see.

Other than that, pretty damn good.

This was my first season. I joined really late I know. It was pretty damn fun, I loved the map and the loot pool. Evie is one of my fav characters to use. Long live the Rave Cave.