rock paper scissors with a dragon ball skin, it's been over a decade and I still hate this game like I just played it

a mid port of some of the greatest games of all time, mods fix all the problems but it's sad Konami didn't give these games the love they deserve. still probably worth it if you've never played any metal gear although you should prob emulate MGS1, the master collection version just doesn't have analogue control for whatever reason.

It's been almost 3 years and this game has not left my mind, I don't know if I can call it fun but god something about the music and story have really stuck with me for whatever reason. I hardcore recommend if you fuck with Suda's stuff

Unfortunately NMH2 is a very forgettable experience, the only thing that stuck with me is the game's absolutely incredible soundtrack.

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk's OST goes so hard dude.