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Potajito earned the Replay '14 badge

3 days ago

Potajito followed dyermaker

14 days ago

Potajito reviewed Nightmare Frames
Great point and click game, straight forward puzzles that fit with the story telling, out of ordinary setting and great art overall.

20 days ago

20 days ago

Potajito finished An English Haunting
Great adventure. It's remarkable that each new Postmodern Games title is better than the previous one. Everything about it is a step up, most notably art and overall rhythm.
My only minor gripe is that I'd have like some more agency or choices in the finale.

20 days ago

20 days ago

Potajito earned the Well Written badge

26 days ago

Potajito earned the Gone Gold badge

26 days ago

Potajito followed Crystar

28 days ago

Potajito finished Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
There is barely a game here. It's just a long tech demo. Every gaming trope that you can think of is here; The "puzzles" (for lack of a better word) are dumb and just there to pad the length of the game. Everything in this title is a slog. Everything takes a loooong time to do, and it feels like a complete disregard of player's time (even more so when the game is so short, that everything needs to be padded so it doesn't end in 2 hours). It also has a big identity crisis. Is not a walking simulator, as there isn't really anything to explore other than 4k textures; It's neither an action game, as combat is a glorified quick time event (you can finish every combat encounter the game just pressing A and X, not even need directions).

There is a complete lack of player agency here, so much that it really doesn't fit into the medium that they chose. Why make an interactive medium when interaction is left to the bare minimum? There really isn't much to "do", just walk forward, uninspired puzzly section, scripted combat sequence, repeat.

Story-wise it's all over the place. First Senua was focused and knew what it wanted to tell, but this one doesn't tell anything interesting that we didn't heard before, just lots of exposition and same old tiresome tropes.

This are just fireworks, something pretty to watch, but pretty boring and uninspired overall.

28 days ago

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