This game was really fun especially as more jobs were unlocked but that final dungeon fucked the game for me I hate that final dungeon

I mostly thought this game was pretty good! The combat was fun and customizing your load out is cool and rewarding (even if I think the higher level spells and attacks take a bit too much MP and AP) and the story was pretty interesting. The really fantastic part of the game is the final level which gets talked about a lot but I'm not gonna not praise it, it's so impactful emotionally!!

Pretty good! I respect it as what made everything after it what it is and the story was pretty fun even with Kain'd shenanigans, I'm glad I played it!

This is still my favorite game, it only gets solidified further and further every time. I can't think of a game I know front and back like this. The story is the best in the franchise and every character is at their peak here

I love this version of these characters so much, it's really the first time besides the original that got all of the characters this good, and the gameplay is so cool, I hope someday more action rpgs use this style. I love that it decided to be a psuedo sequel instead of a straight remake just because the original is perfect as is so it would be impossible to live up to that imo

Pretty cool little story! I couldn't really get Yuffie's gameplay but I started getting the hang of it near the end

This game was pretty fun but also has like bottom 3 3D Sonic levels so there is much to ponder here

Actually pretty fun!!! The only real downfall in my opinion is the amount of replaying levels and some mission objectives suck balls. But the levels themselves aren't too bad and it controls way better than Heroes.

This game isn't even the worst 3D Sonic game I had fun with it

This will forever be my favorite Zelda, it's close to perfect, the only issue I have is the triforce collection but that's not that bad if you know what you're doing. This is my favorite Zelda world to explore and just spend time in, all the characters are so fun and the side quests are great

Dude the maps are so boring, the maps dude the maps

These games are some of the best Star Wars stories out there and Cal is one of the coolest Star Wars characters! All the improvements from the first game help make it even so much more fun. I only wish it was better optimized on release because it prevented me from playing through it sooner but I'm so glad I finally did