Really funny i finished it with my girlfriend (the one from myst) and it was a real piece of work my dear Truman !

… I'm crucified, crucified like my savior
Saintlike behavior, a lifetime I prayed
I'm crucified for the holy dimension
Godlike ascension, heavens away
… I've seen the deepest darkness and wrestled with gods
Ride the noble harness, raining cats and dogs
I stand before my maker like Moses on the hill
My Guinness record baker, I abide your will
… The first of reciter, I saw eternal light
Best of vocal fighters, beyond human sight
Where thorns are a teaser, I've played a double jeux
Yherushalaim at Easter
I cry, I pray, mon dieu
I cry, I pray, mon dieu
… I'm crucified, crucified like my savior
Saintlike behavior, a lifetime I prayed
I'm crucified for the holy dimension
Godlike ascension, heavens away
… Prophets I've been reading, stories I've been told
Before I end my breathing, I travel in the soul
Where thorns are a teaser, I've played the double jeux
Yherushalaim at Easter
I cry, I pray, mon dieu
I cry, I pray, mon dieu
I cry, I pray, mon dieu
Adieu, mon dieu
… I'm crucified, crucified like my savior
Saintlike behavior, a lifetime I prayed
I'm crucified for the holy dimension
Godlike ascension, heavens away
… I'm crucified for the holy dimension
Godlike ascension, heavens away
… I'm crucified, crucified like my savior
Saintlike behavior, a lifetime I prayed
I'm crucified for the holy dimension
Godlike ascension, heavens away

My friend mooi02 is very funny but we dont talk about what he did to a bunch of women in 2016...

biggest piece of dog shit ive ever platyed

quirky multiplayer game of the week

fun game if you don't have friends to do real escape game

aka clash IANNOU ahahhhh....aaAHAAaHA....AHHAHAHAHA

no woke gay plumber, no woke strong princess, only mario and his fat fucking ass

cant stop thinking about baby arm man....

my friends are fun, not the game

goes to China Wow it's like the minions !!!