Just as silly as I remember it when playing the game on the public library computer

Boy howdy, was this game a disappointment.
Great concept for a 3D game where spheres of seasons can create new geography for challenges, open up new secrets, reveal hidden items/enemies/etc

Almost none of that happens.

Also, the real thing that made me stop giving the game any benefit of the doubt is that the game attempts a tongue and cheek "we're not being serious" vibe but only after the first two story beats, when one character says "Nobody pays attention to dialogue in video games anyway" to which they neither nailed the tongue-and-cheek aspect of such a joke, nor the lighthearted 4th wall breaking.

Not worth the time and effort to finish either, as from the 4th wall break, the quality of the game begins to continue to dip further and further

- New Mon Designs (Across the board)
- Wild Area as a concept is great. (Too laggy and chugs the switch to be awe inspiring)
- Glimwood Tangle

- By far the most hand-holding the series has been
- Towns are mostly lifeless and lack any sort of real uniqueness outside of the Fairy Forest.
- Gigantimax is another "new mechanic" that is barely fleshed out and will most likely disappear in all future games. Not enough pokemon have gigantimax/dynamax forms/animations to make the mechanic feel good. Also when a non max'd pokemon can still one shot a max'd pokemon, it makes the mechanic look silly.

Overall, a disappointing installment where nothing really has changed and the game continue to lack any sort of real improvement on the Pokemon formula.

(Note: Didn't play DLC)