3767 Reviews liked by ProudLittleSeal

This game has excellent writing and an interesting level structure. It takes light Zelda/Metroidvania elements for its world. You are directed linearly through the world but it doesn't stop you from exploring other areas.

The original Ratchet & Clank has so much character and personality. The worlds are memorable and fun, the characters are great, and the music is so unique and fits so well with the game. Too bad it seems the remake took away the spunk and personality this game had. Overall the 2002 original is a great game

This game can wear you out if you play it consistently while skipping the cutscenes. It's intense

This is one of the most dastardly difficult games I've played in a long time; you really have to understand the game's mechanics and have good reactions in order to master it. But once you do, it feels so damn satisfying pulling off epic poses and slow punching and kicking enemies in VFX. It just oozes aesthetic with the cel shaded graphics and banging soundtrack too. Highly recommended.

better than like all the souls games tbh, I'm gonna buy a whole other copy on pc soon

Incredible sequel with plenty to do. The systems are complex and in depth with loads of rewarding combat encounters and massive amounts of content. Everything about Nioh 2 is a triumph over the already fantastic original.

its nioh but with everything straight upgraded, easily my favorite game of this type, the combat system is second to none

one of the best action rpg on the market if you want good combat. great variety of weapons and tools to use and the world is engaging mythology of japan and interesting characters.
must play if you like combat. good to play after the baby first combat challenge game like bloodborne. this will make you realize bloodborne is not that good lol

Endless fun and replayability, a must have for anyone who loves action games

I was absolutely obsessed with this game when i was like 6 years old. I mean you can play as a Dog, annoy people, take a shit and throw it at someone, you collect bones to level up and travel across america to save your Dog GF. For some reason the game turns into Silent Hill at the end which freaked me out a bit. A childhood classic!

UNDERRATED GAME ALERT What's more entertaining to a kid than taking a shit wherever you want?

Downloaded porn to my computer.

I have spent several thousand hours on this game. I like it very much. I hit the point where I'm playing mods because I've done a lot of runs in vanilla Medieval II. Sometimes I reinstall the game for the heck of it and play some more hundred hours.

Its replayability and kingdom management systems make this game much more than a glorified tactics game. Battles are fun, exploiting the AI makes you feel like an astute general but the greatness lies with its campaign. The expansion (what's a "dee elle see"?) would bring even better gameplay and new content for a timeless game.

A shocking number of my childhood was spent playing this game, even before discovering mods. Discovering that changed the whole game. Still an amazing title to this day.

So easy to lose track of time within the strategic fun of Medieval II: Total War.