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Prozner completed Zuma Deluxe
Fun puzzle game by popcap. I first played this game on my xbox 360 through the physical version of pvz that included zuma and peggle, as a kid i didnt really get it, but after being gifted it on steam and playing it on the deck in bed its really just a fun little time waster that I can see myself coming back to.

2 days ago

Prozner completed Turn It Around
This was a game i got the christmas I got my original DS lite, its a ok little mini game centered around turning a wheel on the touchscreen to play minigames (you can also use buttons) Its short and goofy. If you enjoy wierd games give it a try, play it, and if you enjoy you enjoyed it, if not you didnt lose much, its a very short game.

4 days ago

Prozner completed Sonic and the Secret Rings
I genuinely believe if you can get past the clunky gameplay you have a fun little sonic story, and a game that is actually kinda fun. If you have a wii and enjoy motion controls in your games give it a try, its a fun little romp with ballin music.

6 days ago

7 days ago

7 days ago

Prozner backloggd Animal Well

7 days ago

Prozner reviewed Sonic Unleashed
I want to be very clear I have no nostalgia for this game, I did not grow up with it, and I had never really played it until recently, and I gott say after playing generations (witch I thought was very mid) unleashed was very pleasent surprise. The boost sonic gameplay really began here and it feels quite good, and while wearhog isnt perfect it can be fun when the game isnt making you platform as him. Having to collect the medals to unlock levels was a little annoying but not too bad. The boss fights were a mixed bag for me, some fun, some unnecasarily dragged out. Overall besides some hiccups unleashed is a genuinely good game, and so far the first sonic game ive played that ive genuinely fully enjoyed.

7 days ago

7 days ago

10 days ago

Prozner played Sonic Origins
Im not gonna rate this because this is just going to be my general purpose feelings on classic sonic games as a whole. Classic sonic games have a gameplay loop of striving to be better and better that doesnt work for me as a player, working to get better in games can be fun and rewarding, but classic sonic games have never had that fun factor for me. I understand the place sonic holds in our gaming landscape and history, and i appreciate what he stands for, but classic sonic just doesnt gel with me, but im glad it does with so many others.

10 days ago

Prozner completed Sonic Generations
So on my journey to find a sonic game that I actually can sit down and enjoy enough to play to completion, here comes Generations, a game I found aggresively mid. I will say for its time this was a important game, and definitely what this series needed at the time, and as someone who has learned about sonic through cultural osmosis the levels and setpieces and references didnt completely miss me. Classic sonic gameplay is ehh to me, boost is decent, and the boss battles were overall genuinely fun, and sonic music is great as ever. its some of the most ive enjoyed sonic and im a little interested in trying unleashed seeing as thats where the boost gameplay started, and wearhog sounds interesting. I will see where this takes me.

Edit: Have played unleashed, its better

10 days ago

Prozner completed Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

This review contains spoilers

As I continue my journey through this classic of series I finish the only one I had yet to play prior. I originally played 1 through the mobile port (have since got a original xbox copy of the first game) and I played 3 much more recently witch brought me to want to finally finish the first game and play its sequal. I played through this game on my Steam Deck with the widescreen fix and my god does it play good on steam deck with gyro controls, absolutely wonderful time.

Now on to the actual review.
I did not fully know how to feel when starting this one, I had just come off the heels of the first game, witch has a delightfully wierd and even funny feel to it even through it gritty one liners and story,. Max payne 2 took some time for me to get that remedy feel, but once I started seeing those tv shows (and a level that takes place in a old theme park) max payne 2 really solidified itself as sequal unique from the first. 2 is trying to tell a bigger story, as well as flesh max out more, instead of being a man deadset on a revenge mission where he revels in the killing hes become more contemplative and for lack of better phrasing just more depressed. I appreciate the new dream segments, they still have that wonderful trippy feel, and Mona as a secondary protagonist gives this game so much more to really latch onto. While Mona and Max's love could have definitely got more fleshing out I love the ending of max finally being able to move past the death of his family (even if 3 throws that somewhat out the window).

Now that I have finished both 1 and 2 for the first time I now plan on replaying 3 with my new outlook on this series, and appreciate the context these 2 original romps have given me for the rest of remedy's catalog.

13 days ago

13 days ago

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