Can we just talk about how genuinely deranged Valve had to be to release 3 FUCKING GAMES on the same day?! Like how the fuck do you just casually drop debatbly one of the greatest multiplayer shooters ever, debatably one of the best puzzle games ever made, and a episode for what some would say is one of the best singleplayer FPS games ever?! Valve was genuinely on some crazy shit in 2007.

Its really funny how if you hold down the reload button with the laser for the desert eagle on, the laser stays in the same spot when you look around.

Honestly just play this one blind, if a game about choices sounds cool just play it, its so entertaining and unique. Its one of those games about games, its a game about itself, its a game about the nature of sequals. The stanley parable is just one of those important touchstones of the medium that should be required reading for any die hard gamer, genuinely.

Im gonna be honest, its fine if a little weak, I think the super powers are kinda boring and take away from the fun I had with on the ground shooting and driving. I will say though Zinyak is a genuinely incredible villain for the series and I love him. May need to replay though cause its been a bit.

Saints row the third was a game I got free with gold when I was honestly way to young to be playing this shit. To a literal child to scared to play GTA this was incredible, and while with time I can say its humor doesnt hit quite as hard for me (still has some good moments though) The third is a genuinely interesting sequal that I think deserves more credit for what its going for than many are willing to give it. 2 is still a fucking masterpiece PLAY SAINTS ROW 2 FOR GODS SAKE. and play this one its good.

Really makes you feel like a Lego.

I desperately need to replay this game, like its been to long and I just vaugely remember it being GOAT'D.

Its got a fun campaign and the final level is fucking BALLIN! Fuck you Makorov.

Imma be honest I think the tighter level design of the handheld and singleplayer mario games is far superior than the more open multiplayer focused levels of this.

Its lego, its fun. Ive played too many of these.

Black ops 4 was a game that could have been so much more, but the the battle royale that was forced onto them stopped us from getting a campaign.

The lack of campaign hurts this one, but Blackout really was a interesting battle royale (if a bit dated now). The unlocking of characters through challenges was the best thing any battle royale could do and blackout is one of the only ones Ive ever seen do that, the sheer amount of beloved characters you could just unlock by playing was great.

Multiplayer wasnt bad per se, but to me this one seemed more like it appealed to the more competetive cod crowd than the casual one. It has some cool ideas.

Now for why I am actually writing this review, Zombies.
Treyarchs zombie mode is one of my favorite experiences in all of gaming, its just one of those things, and BO4 has a tumultuous reputation within the community.
Now I am of the opinion that the zombies mode while not perfect is a genuinely enjoyable take on the cod zombies formula, and while it stumbles the genuine attempt to do something different was comendable.
For the maps the standouts for me are classified, and dead of the night. Five is already a map I love, and classified being expanded take on the map was genuinely awesome, And dead of the night is a map with a pretty bad reputation but I do not care that shit is PEAK to me.
Chaos got shafted, Blundell wanted to make a new story and it got cut short because the game didnt do well, and the end of Aether also got shafted even worse ( Aether is one of my favorite stories in all of gaming and while the ending was rushed im content with what we got).

BO4 is just a game with so much missed oppurtunity and just another case of treyarch getting fucked by activision. Treyarch are still the best COD developer to me and I hope thier next game is something great.

River city girls 2 (as well as the first one) is the type of game that makes me wish I had played more beat em ups, the references to countless references to the grander kunio-kun franchise, as well as other series like double dragon leaves me wishing I knew so much more about these games and beat em ups as a whole. Its a fantastic romp through river city, and its just as jokey and stupid in the best of ways as the first. If you even have a passing interest in the genre or just love 2D and or Pixel style games RCG 2 is a must play.

A classic of action games, as well as story driven shooters. It layed the foundation for the trajectory remedy would go for, and helped establish Sam Lake's presence as a writer in the game industry.

Max payne despite being a relatively serious game, its ultimately a very funny parody of noirs as a whole, while simultaneously being a great noir story itself. This game is genuinely funny, from the russians license plate being "Vodka, "Forget about it" being said 3 fucking times in a row in a cutscene, and the physical images of the character in cutscenes very clearly just being the team who made the game and thier friends and family.

Max Payne is a badass and hilarious piece of history that rightfully solidified remedy as absolutely steller piece of this industry, and its still pretty fun.

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The evil within 2 is a interesting sequal, the progression of this and its prequal remind me almost of the shift from the classic RE games into 4, just on a micro scale. This is not bad, but evil within 2 definitely goes the route of refining its gameplay experience to a polish, it also goes for a much less grimy style than its predecessor, witch I must say evil within 1's style was one of its strongest aspects to me.
The very beggining put me off a bit, Sebastions new voice was very wierd at first but I got used to it, kidmans on the other hand did not bother me nearly as much.

The introduction to the new stem World starts pretty strong, its still very much going for the feverish feel the first game had, and we are intoduced to our first antagonist, who we later learn is named stefano (I will be talking about him later). This opening area before getting into the main town of Union is wonderful, then you get to union.

I did not know how to fully feel about the semi open world areas at first, but the gameplay loop began to really grow on me.

I had to really think of this game in a seperate mindset than I did with the first game, 1 reminds me more of a mix between resident evil and the psychological fuckery of silent hill, while 2 is a much more hollywood feeling survival horror experience ide get out of modern RE, both good but very different.

Evil within 2 really clicked with me when stefano really becomes part of the plot, its a shame he dies hallfway through the game, a psychopathic artist who uses death for his "art" is a character type that is still very engaging, unfortunately you kill him before he really gets the chance to shine.

Now to backtrack, I really enjoyed enjoyed delving back into sebastions past, dealing with the trauma of losing his family (and finding out they are still alive), and dealing with the trauma associated Beacon from the first game.

As to not get too wordy, I find evil within 2 to be a very differnt game, but a great sequal that stands toe to toe with the fever dream that was the first game.

Also Im mad that letterboxing was a bonus for beating the game :(

An interesting title that spawned a sequal that became what I would say is remedy's best game. Alan wake 1 is a fun game with horror elements, that is very interesting as the game remedy made coming off of max payne 1 and 2. Alan wake starts some really interesting concepts and ideas that ended up being made even better by its sequal. Alan wake is a game that wears its influences on its sleeve and is in a lot of ways a game where remedy was trying to find thier footing after leaving max payne, while not perfect its memorable.