28 Reviews liked by PuroPrimus

its good! it takes long while for the story to really get going, but I really enjoyed it aside from everyone sucking off the protag at every available moment plus the fact that it encroaches on mother 3 territory of how easy it is to guess the twist. It has some wonderful characters with great interactions with each other. Plus the combat is some of the most fun Ive had with a turn based rpg in a while.

This game is just so cute and nice (:

a good friend of mine from high school was number 1 in the world at this game a couple years back. the most fun I ever had with it was watching streamers get pissed off at him

i could watch the animations from this all day

holy shit I used to play this on my crappy white desktop mac all the time when I was a kid this game was my first PC fps

being a big fan of the original Nier I thought this game was suuuuper overrated for a bit but no this one is good

nice game and all but no joke I would have this as a 4 star if the character unlock levels had infinite lives

if I played this when I was 16 it wouldve been in my top 5

cmon am I seriously supposed to believe that Maho is straight

if you payed money for this im so sorry

this is probably not as big of a sin as I have it rated
however I think this game represents everything I hate about the general publics view of visual novels. I hate how whenever a dev team or someone needs to make a "joke" game that they dont view as a real game they make it a VN. I feel like its made so many gamers write off great experiences like steins gate or higurashi or ai the somnium files because "haha funny genre haha arent VNs so cringe guys"



recently replayed this for the remaster and good fuckin lord man. there are so many little moments in this game that are going to stick with me for the rest of my life.

convinced people mostly liked this game before the dunkey video

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"actually youre the real villain, because you played the video game instead of just turning it off which was your only other option!"