1 review liked by Purplecksing

Video review - https://youtu.be/SGt0XlHGOW4

I'll be blunt - it could use some more polish, and the bosses aren't very good. I sincerely hope this gets a few patches to address the occasionally weird collision detection, inputs not registering, sound effect desync in cutscenes, and other things, but at its core, this is an incredibly solid momentum-based platformer.

Chaining together dashes, swings and rolling across these wavy, sloped levels is a blast. I think this is the first game I've truly wanted to try and time attack an entire game since Sonic Generations. It took me a little bit to truly "get" the movement, but once I did, I was loving every second of it. I think I'll be aiming for all the achievements in this one too. Why not?

Of course, the music is fantastic as always from Tee Lopes. Presentation is a little lacking in the visual department, especially in cutscenes, but I feel like the developers are probably even more frustrated than I am at some of these shortcomings, so I don't think it's worthwhile to point them all out.

I highly recommend this, but maybe wait a little wait for some patches if you're on the fence. Evening Star have proven their ability to make great stuff on their own, and I hope this game is enough of a success for them to continue their vision across new projects. Well done to the entire team!