<reposed from my steam review>

Incredible, usually I'm not a fan of visual novels with gimmicks (for example Emily is Away's typing mechanic which I despise) but the presentation of If Found... is beautiful and enjoyable, without wasting time to progress the story, the idea of erasing ones past comes through within the game play, without being obnoxious and feel like you're wasting time, unlike many of its contemporaries.

The story is enjoyable, its not something I specifically am able to relate to not being a member of the LGBT+ community or as someone who hasn't been ostracised within a community quiet like what is seen in If Found..., but it brought fourth emotions nonetheless. Finding a place and people who make you feel like you belong is hard no matter who you are, but If Found... tells its players to never give up, even in the darkest of times, and that not everything is going to make perfect sense about oneself, its okay to still explore yourself and who you are as an adult, and I think that's a beautiful message.

I've already stated that I believe the visual design of If Found... is masterful, but the accompanying score fits the game perfectly and helps emphasise key emotions and climax points within the narrative.

I encourage everyone to give If Found... a chance, especially so if you are someone who doesn't fit the conventional mold of whats considered 'normal' within society, as I think If Found... may speak to you in a pronounced way unlike many other stories.

<reposted from my steam review>

A poor and basic 'visual novel' in the loosest sense of the word, while there is an engaging concept behind the gameplay and visual design, it makes the experience last much longer than needed, especially if you read faster than 1 word a second, typing is enjoyable for the first two messages, after that its simply a chore because playing the waiting game to read a text based story is not fun. Unironically I believe its a better experience to its sequels, namely Emily is Away <3 (the slop of a continuation I played prior to this original) simply because it wastes less of your time and money.
If you want to read a good free visual novel with an actually enjoyable story just play the first chapter of Higurashi, please don't waste your time with this 'game' unless you want an easy 100% to add to your perfected games list.

<reposted from my steam review>

An 'interactive' experience that gets everything on the game play side wrong, story is fine, passable and does feel decently real however it is 9+ hours mostly spent waiting for new text boxes to appear so you can continue the plot, is it realistic? Yes, in a sense it is, but having such a game designed around reading not have an option to change text speed/give the option to skip the waiting period between messages is just downright unfun to play, the aesthetic was great for the first 20 minutes, past that I just wanted to continue the plot, not spend time waiting for fake characters to finish typing their messages while I sit still waiting for the story to continue

<reposted from my steam review>

The perfect mix of simplicity and complex mechanics, constantly makes me push on late into the night for just one final run. In addition it fills me with nostalgia of playing coolmathgames back in primary school thanks to its charming graphics while remind me of the days of Flash that have a mix of modern stylistic design yet harking back to consoles of the past. Fantastic game, so many hours of fun I'll continue to pour into this one!

<reposted from my steam review>

An extremely interesting first chapter, pulls you right in through it's narrative, giving you a great idea for what's to come.

The game showcases extremely well written horror, rather than relying on traditional jumpscares or hideous monsters the story provides an eerie, realistic take on horror, with a blend of supernatural elements that leave you guessing the true reality of the situation, pulling you deeper into the mystery of the story.

The plot and horror is aided tremendously by the first person viewpoint the narrative is written around, you see the events through Keiichi's eyes and witness the events firsthand, you don't see the danger before he does, and through witnessing everything from a grounded viewpoint creates a far larger feeling of suspense in the events, you know just as much as he does about what is going on in Hinamizawa, and that creates a far scarier, more frightening yet interesting atmosphere.

An incredible introduction all for free, if you're interested in what Higurashi or Visual Novels as a medium has to offer, Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.1 Onikakushi is a great place to start, and remember, if you can't stand the visual design of the text or characters, the 07th-Mod is perfect for updating the game into an easier to read style by having the text placed in a box at the bottom of the screen while utilizing sprites from the Japanese Nintendo Switch release of Higurashi!

<reposted from my steam review>

An unbelievably charming game, not perfect controls wise but a beautiful visual style with a familiar feeling but overall unique take on the rhythm game genre, all for free! Will definitely be picking up the full release because the game is clearly full of love, effort and passion from the developers

<reposted from my steam review>

The most decisive of the Danganronpa series, the story can either be fantastic or a major letdown, it depends on the person, what isn't arguable though is the fact that this has the best gameplay class trial wise in the whole series and is as a whole the most polished it's ever been. Story is good but probably not better than SDR2. Worth the play but apart from the class trial gameplay DRV3 isn't the apex of the series. Also best played after the previous two mainline games as it makes the story more enjoyable.

<reposted from my steam review>

Phasmophobia was a fun co-op horror game with a mind-numbing single player experience, but through numerous updates that improved all facets of the game, both single and multiplayer is an extremely fun experience that still scares players even when you know all of the ins and outs of the game mechanics!

<reposted from my steam review>

Short, heartfelt and emotional, a beautiful short story with memorable characterization, world-building and plot with perfect pacing and emotional beats, a really enjoyable ride.

This review contains spoilers

<reposted from my steam review>

Overall a fantastic experience, world design is amazing, with every area having something beautiful to look at, combat is just as tight and rewarding as other Fromsoft games, and the majority of bosses are well designed and interesting fights.

However the game is not perfect, some of the bosses, namely the larger ones and those that are placed in the mini dungeons with little to now room despite their size, are a letdown. Examples of this are the Final boss and the dragon fights, the final boss drags on and doesn't feel like a fulfilling battle, as you spend most of the time running towards it dodging easy attacks, only to hit it once and do it all over again. The Dragons are a similar issue, while the first one you fight is an exhilarating experience, every single fight plays out the same, to the point where fighting a dragon feels like an annoyance, rather than a heart pounding battle like some of the other bosses.

Apart from the small nitpicks about those select few bosses, the game is overall amazing and worth the time investment, it's still hard but the options given in game play allow you to try so many different strategies to overcoming a situation that a dungeon or boss only really becomes tedious if you choose to keep challenging them, instead of doing one of the numerous other bosses, side-quests or areas to explore to get strong enough for a successful rematch.

<reposted from my steam review>

Danganronpa 1 but better in most ways, basically improves on everything from the first but requires knowledge of the first game to fully enjoy, makes going back to DR1 difficult with the improvements in gameplay and other aspects, all in all a very solid Visual Novel!

Truly the greatest of all time

<reposed from my steam review>

A fantastic game in terms of story, OST and pretty good gameplay but if you want to leave the game with positive memories, for the love of God don't 100% it, the last few achievements will make you despise playing what is most of the time a beautiful experience.
Do fishing though, fishing is actually really fun once you know how to do the minigame properly.