385 Reviews liked by Q___

Essentially a perfect modern platformer. Each stage is filled with bombastic visuals and unique concepts. Future games in the genre should all take note from Retro Studios.

It's a good game and all but something about it is bugging me. I think it's a couple of things.

Partly it's that this game has every element from all previous pikmin games shoved into it, all types of pikmin, all treasures, ship parts and fruit, enemies from across the games, dungeons from 2, even an abridged remake of Pikmin 1. It ends up feeling really unfocused, like I'm not even exploring a mysterious planet anymore, just playing more Pikmin™

Now, It feels stupid to say call a Pikmin game "casualized" but that's kind of what happened here, additions like oatchi and time rewinding and the lack of any time pressure apart from discrete challenge levels takes away that survivalist edge Pikmin 3 had, even if it wasn't actually all that hard.

A really good game, a really good Pikmin game even, but I feel like they downplayed some of the core essence of Pikmin in favour of making a more friendly, widely appealing game. I don't even think that was a bad decision for Nintendo to make, but did leave me feeling a bit disappointed overall.

Fun but some incomprehensible design choices

it's ok. just play gang beasts instead.

A great game that has unfortunately been judged for what it isn't rather than what it is.

Still one of the most clever and inventive platformers that I've played. The bongos were not detrimental to the experience at all for me. Also really cool just how much this game inspired Super Mario Galaxy.

They're like a bug and a snack! Horror game in disguise.

Fuck you chester cheetah.

i’ll admit I ENJOY your product the cheetos. Dare I say there one of my favorite snacks. Dare I say when i eat cheetos I like the way they taste.

I also like the super nintendo. So video game and cheeto sounds amazing.

Chester Cheetah will lure you in with the extremely colorful graphics and the cartoony animations. He lures you in with your loyalty with the cheetos brand. then you get FUCKED over with awful controls and atrocious level design. Why does Chester Cheetah move so slow? Because of his diet. the cheetos.

strong 1.5/5

i once ate an entire bottle of flintstones vitamins as a kid and this game managed to reawaken that primal bloodlust which came out of me on that fateful day

If you've got a novel game mechanic and think "the narrative should be something meta about playing games" I urge you to consider not having any narrative at all

I pumped too much sewage and my river became brown

It always feels like you just barely can't do what you want but that just might be a skill issue