379 Reviews liked by Q___

Welcome to the machine. This is the game tha separates people from whiners. If you know somebody who hates this game, help them be better people. If YOU hate this game, go get help quickly or you will start thinking that dumbing down mechanics in an RPG to market it for consoles is good.

This game has one of the strongest aesthetics I've ever seen in a game. It just grips this absolute overpowering mood, set by the gorgeous visuals, music (crafted by Disasterpiece), and lack of any words whatsoever. Almost everything you learn about the world is told through the environment and vague picture snippets from NPC's. It has a fascinating air of mystery that I have yet to be able to solve.
The gameplay is also fantastic. The way they implement the boost system, one of the game's main combat and traversal mechanics, is super satisfying to chain and master, and opens up a ton of mechanical depth into the game. If you like fast paced action combat with a strong atmosphere and world to melt yourself into, I can't recommend this game enough.

Full of lovely art and neat ideas. So... why on Earth did they make it a Rogue-like? Doesn't fit the loop of the game at all.

This is Dark Souls Remastered all over again.

Bottom line, if you haven't played these games before and this is the only/most convenient way for you to play them, then give it a shot. These are very competent versions of fantastic games.

If you have played these games before and/or are upset at what was done here, complain as much as you want. Your views are justified, and more could have and should have been done here.

Both of these statements are true and they can co-exist.

Yes, the lore is great and the combat a tense affair, but it's the sense of physicality and labour, the way Dark Souls is able to convey the depth of its obsessions that brings me back to Lordran every time.

A pathetic little game made by geeks.

Small dick energy.

Never Alone has a wonderful art style and delightful narrative. The authenticity of the experience is fantastic, with interesting historical insights into life as a native and a narrative inspired by stories told to young Iñupiat. The gameplay itself is pretty average with some fairly simple puzzles and platforming, but the wonderful portrayal and respect to the source material more than makes up for the gameplay’s shortcomings.

Looks great, gameplay leaves a lot to be desired.

The art direction and atmosphere are really cool. Gameplay is a little to simple for my liking, but still enjoyable. Unlocking follower cards is fun and the artwork looks great. The score is generic, but fits the mood well. Overall a good game to spend a couple hours on between bigger titles.

(Chosen from backlog using a random number generator)

Very neat game. Interesting atmosphere, kinda bullshit combat, that is still fun despite it. Only 2-3 hours for those who are concerned about that. Play with assist timing on.

EDIT: The more I reflect on this game: Fuck this Game. Just play Below.



Haven is an extremely sweet game. The intimacy between the two main characters is really something special. The world design however gets very stale quicker than I would like to admit, and I honestly wish the combat wasn't even in it. It has a lot of potential and I'm enjoying my time with it but I doubt I'd be bringing it up in conversation



Yu and Kay are compelling characters at times, but the rest of the game doesn't really do enough to justify its inclusion. I'm not really sure why there's combat in this at all, to be honest with you, and at times it feels like it's a chore that I have to go do before I'm allowed to hear more about the characters. It's not enough to put me off from the game (not yet, anyway), but I would absolutely understand if someone else feels differently.

Beautiful and cool, but just not fun.

It calls itsef a roguelike, but all the runs that i did felt they were the same. Low weapon and gadgets variety, an the variety that exists feels really similar to one another. If the enemys, the bosses, the weapons, the gadgets and the upgrades are always the same, why even bother to play it? Good visuals and a fluid combat sistem dont make up for a rogelike with 0 replayability

Maybe it's because I expected to hate this game due to my feelings on the first one and only played it since it was free on gamepass, but my expectations were blown away. Don't get me wrong, character movement and combat and the way Rockstar refuses to allow you to do anything other than what they want you to is a major negative (seriously, I failed a stealth mission because I approached the objective from 3 feet further to the left than it wanted me to (I was not detected). That's inexcusable). Still, the overall experience was captivating and I had a lot of fun living out Arthur Morgan's life. I finished the game at 86% completion, which was everything except the collect-a-thon side quests that didn't seem fun at all.