I love Dark Souls and Fromsoft and this is an incredibly well made game worthy of all the GOTY acclaim it got. And I had very little fun playing it...

I get the mixed reception it's certainly not perfect but I think Vampyr is super underrated, it's gothic and weird, its tone and many of its systems are just not what you normally see in the genre.

The soundtrack and art style are absolutely fantastic and the combat is good enough but it's totally letdown by the roguelite structure.

I think about the Delfino Plaza theme weekly.

King of the genre. One of the most brilliantly designed worlds in all of gaming.

Possibly the most underappreciated game of the generation. Incredible writing, story, art style, soundtrack, atmosphere, world building and up there with some of the best casts in gaming.

This is just the terminal puzzle from Fallout in reverse tho

Obviously has tons of well documented issues but man if it doesn't do some truly interesting stuff with story, politics, and tone.

Easily the best game in the series since Deluxe in 2005, but missing the attention to detail and tiny quality of life improvements to make it feel like a true love letter to fans of the franchise.

Far too often chooses to be a frustratingly precise and incredibly linear puzzle game instead of letting the player use the timeloop to more naturally explore, uncover, and experiment within the apartment sandbox.

Poor online performance, lackluster online features, and inexcusably bad curation can't ruin what makes Mario Marker 2 special. Its a simple fact that it doesn't get much better in gaming than great 2d Mario levels.