In 2023 Baulder's Gate 3 showed the games industry, developers and publishers that a well crafted, well designed, original, narrative with real choices and impact can sell millions and be the biggest game in the world....and in 2024 we have Palworld

I get the mixed reception it's certainly not perfect but I think Vampyr is super underrated, it's gothic and weird, its tone and many of its systems are just not what you normally see in the genre.

Forza Horizon 5 has it all, a gigantic map, hundreds of activities, a roster full of the most exciting cars in the world and almost instant access to all of it. You want for nothing in Horizon but when you want for nothing you end up having little to strive and work towards.

Horizon 5 is still a great game, it looks great, sounds great, plays great, it's well made, it's polished and you could get lost in it for hours at a time or just hop in for a race a day. But it didn't quite hook me after playing Horizon 3 and Horizon 4 for hundreds of hours each. Maybe that's just a bit of fatigue on my part but ultimately I feel there's just too much Horizon 5 and too much all at once. Even going slow unlocking festival sites there's dozens and dozens of map markers in just a few hours and a garage full of half a million dollar sports cars almost instantly. I get that it provides full freedom in what you want to do and when you want to do it and even with that accelerated pace there's still hundreds of hours of content but the trade off is you don't really get to savor any of it. I have like 5million dollars in 25ish hours of playing but why buy cars when Horizon gives them out like candy. There's plenty of excitement to be found in playing but no excitement upon unlocking anything, no excitement on finally saving up to get that expensive Ferrari or Lamborghini after driving Golfs or beat up off-roaders for a while. You can only go so big with these games and I would love to see more purposeful and focused progression for Horizon 6 a bit more restraint in rewards, I just think Horizon is due for a bit of a change up.

We Sing, the late night musical number, cemented one of my overarching thoughts regarding Alan Wake 2: I have rarely, if ever, seen a studio as comfortable and confident with who they are and what they are doing as Remedy with Alan Wake 2. It's narratively and visually so rich and inventive, the world they've crafted is so full and layered using every second it has, every form of media possible to weave intrigue, atmosphere, and world building into this story, I really don't know how you could walk away from Alan Wake 2 not at the very least being wowed creatively. It's gameplay does lag behind a bit compared to the narrative risks being taken and boundaries being pushed. It's not bad by any means but I definitely prefer the combat and exploration of Control to Alan Wake 2. The feel and variety of combat is leaps and bounds better than the first Alan Wake obviously and it takes some cues from Control with some more open areas and some lite exploration and puzzles. Ultimately, there were just a few points I wish the gameplay and combat matched the inventive ideas and bombastic energy of the narrative. But thats nitpicking what is easily my 2023 GOTY and one of the better narrative driven games of the past generation or two.

Had most of this written just before finishing the game, but the ending is phenomenal how it wraps things up just enough, echoes back to the first Alan Wake, and sets up so much intrigue for where Remedy goes next, it totally sticks the landing. It's not a's an ocean, it's not a loop... it's a.............

I don't know what kind of staying power this'll have but I've enjoyed my few nights with it so far. It gives me older COD vibes as someone who grew up with COD4, Black Ops 1/2, and MW3 all nighters with friends. I've also been very specifically craving a simple, straightforward, multiplayer shooter. Not a hero shooter, not a battle royale, not a Halo style arena shooter, just a standard team deathmatch, domination multiplayer shooter. And I feel like Xdefiant does that pretty well, it's a bit bare bones but it's gunplay is pretty good and it's maps are better than any I've played in a COD since probably Black Ops 2? It doesn't really stand out or do anything original but from what I want from it at this point it's working for me.

Like most of these reviews say, it's a cool idea but it doesn't actually have much strategy or player freedom. There's really only so many places certain buildings and biomes can go so you're kinda just following a checklist at points. It's alright for a few afternoons but that's about it, hope to see a sequel or revisit flesh this some more.

As I grew up with Mario 3 and Mario World and both remain two of my favorite games of all time I fear I am nearing the time of falling into the boomer "this isn't the "insert thing here" I grew up with" stance. Cause Mario Wonder isn't the Mario I grew up with that Mario is gone. For good and for bad, there are absolutely brilliant stretches of levels here but there's also a lot of badge and extra levels that add a bit of bloat and ultimately don't stack up to the best levels. But I can't believe how many of the new enemies are fantastic, the hit rate is pretty crazy honestly, Condarts, Outmaways, Maw-Maws, Missile Megs, Seeker Bullet Bills, Armads, and Konks are all new enemies I really enjoyed both mechanically and design wise. I just wish it pushed those new enemies, as well as new powerups, and level mechanics I really enjoyed even farther iteratively than it does. I would love to see Nintendo follow up on this really quickly Galaxy 2 style, really push even further what they have here.

Ultimately my highest praise and harshest criticism is one phrase I said probably a dozen times over the course of playing thru Wonder: I can't wait to see what we can do with this enemy/block/mechanic/theme in Mario Maker 3.

Absolutely top tier art style and soundtrack I just didn't love the feel of the moment to moment gameplay and didn't love the structure of progression in general.

Perhaps we treated you too harshly


"Oregon Trail meets NBA Jam"

Just a bunch of gamers locked in a room for a 100 years dropping banger after banger.

#1 mobile game hater here, this game kinda slaps.

Probably a third masterpiece in the Deus Ex franchise if Eidos had been given the time they needed.

Mario 64 × Dark Souls

Movement, physics, atmosphere, sound, and level design all are phenomenal. It's open ended design, paired with super high skill ceiling movement makes traversal, progress and finding little secrets and skips really rewarding. The negative side of that open ended level design and movement that let's players skip parts is there is nothing to get players back on track if they get lost, there were a handful of times I didn't know if I wasn't doing something right or was missing an ability, or figured out I got partly into an area I didn't have the ability for by breaking sequence a bit, for me its middle just lost a bit of focus. But it's worth a bit a wondering in the middle because so many of its elements are among the genres best, forget platformers, if every game had the movement and physics of Pseudoregalia they would be the better for it.

EDIT Actually can't begin to fathom how anyone played this before they added a map. Got lost/frustrated a handful of times WITH it.

The soundtrack and art style are absolutely fantastic and the combat is good enough but it's totally letdown by the roguelite structure.