A much messier game than its predecessor (Saints Row: The Third). Still a lot of good fun but ultimately a much more bland game in comparison.

WAY better than it needs to be. I remember replaying the campaign several times because it's very fun

Vanquish is like finding a diamond in the rough. One of the most enjoyable games I have played.

The Evil Within (TEW) is a great horror experience that should be played by any fans of survival horror. Most of the time, TEW is a masterclass in building up atmosphere and all things that go bump in the night, while in some areas it falls short to make this horror title a rebirth of the genre. So, without further ado, let’s get down to brass tacks and talk about what makes this game great, and what doesn’t.

Shinji Mikami is a master of the craft in terms of building up creepy atmosphere unlike any others in the industry. From use of lightning, to sound effects, the moment to moment gameplay in TEW is one of the most unnerving experience that makes you question the shadows that lurks in the corner. It also helps that some of the soundtrack in the game is downright excellent to listen to. From soothing yet chilling piano tune to beats of drums to pump your adrenaline, TEW knows how to set a mood in each set pieces.

TEW truly feels like your surviving against the madness of abominable horrors as the game puts you in sort of a crutch. Everything in your disposal is limited, from basic ammunitions to your stamina, TEW makes the player feel helpless most of the time. Even when you have full stock of everything in your arsenal you still feel underequipped. Fear not though, as you can improve and upgrade yourself using green gels you find scattered in the levels of TEW. This green gel can be used to upgrade your health, stamina, but you can also use it to upgrade your weapons and equipment.

Although it has a strong premise, the plot in TEW takes too long to form something interesting, and by the end of the game, TEW leave more questions than answers. I can see the ambition that the studio wanted to make, but as narrative storytelling go, TEW fails to conjure any meaning behind its complexity. It’s such a shame because the horrors that inhabit the world of TEW are genuinely interesting, but overshadowed by the overcomplicated storytelling in comparison. Pacing is another issue in the game. There are moments in time where it feels like the game just drags on for the sake of longevity, but doesn’t give rewards to the players for continuing so (in this case, I’m talking about narrative revelation).

Another disappointing thing to mention is that the protagonist, Sebastian Castellanos is probably the most bland and boring character in a horror video game, or any video game for that matter. He’s designed as a “cool” character that takes himself too seriously that it is laughable. He seems detached from reality, and worse, the bad voice acting doesn’t help. The other casts are alright, but they are not given the spotlight enough for them to be interesting enough. In the end, they are just side characters in a horror game. This is a minor issue, but some thing that still distracted me from time to time and wished that it could be better.

The Verdict
If you’re looking to play a great survival horror experience, TEW is the game for you. It has a lot of great scares and terrifying moments, and is backed up by a solid gameplay that feels crunchy and addictive. But that moments are sometimes overshadowed by the over confusing storytelling that seems to be going nowhere, and a main character that won’t won an Oscar for best acting any time soon. Even so, TEW is a wonderful horror title that should be experienced by any fans of the genre.

A fun hidden gem about zombie apocalypse and road trips

Baseball is the most boring sport to watch but a very fun sport to play

This game manages to scratch the itch of almost every 4X tickboxes but doesn't fully embrace it, which makes this falls short in pale of other space strategy games in the market.

Tried to play this several times but it's way too complex for it to be fun. It's the epitome of "One Piece" gets good after 500+ episodes. You need to invest way to much time to enjoy it.

Paved the way for an amazing sequel

A unique entry into the 4X realm. Have a very interesting lore although a lot of it gets muddled in hidden and missable quests.

The story alone make this third person shooter game a masterpiece

An okay-ish beat em up. Not really memorable but it was fun

The last game I played with my friends before we all graduated from college. We never finished it, and probably never will. But the memories of playing this game and the laughter that was filled my room back then is going to live on for eternity.