this is the most Hot Topic fucking thing ive ever played

Getting really close to your mic and screaming to scare your friends while they look at a Ouija board

lmao they gave this idiot a goatee

Instead of getting mad at your friends for not last hitting you can get mad at them for not finding a jacket to wear

the best prequel movie gets the best prequel video game. i get to go fuckin fast and learn some useless jobbers names.

This game is for incels, it's pretty good

you get to rob banks and kill cops, whats not to like

The game you daydreamed about when you were in P.E. getting bullied in middle school

can pretend i have a gf and friends, so yeah its pretty good

Did anyone else want to be Elvis when they grew up?


Loot game where you play a white guy that teaches asian people how to be samurai. Better than dark souls. Too long though.

Good music and big floppy booba

What if monster hunter but boring?

Better than the full game