I don't know. This is more of the same from the first game, which I enjoyed very much, so I should love this game as well, right? Well, I didn't.

The humour this time around felt forced and not funny, and when they include the meta-aspect (the game knowing it is a game) they loose me, and the homages to other games (SF2 and Limbo among other) just takes away from some of the magic from a truly uniqe game series.

The fighting combos is still not properly baked into the gameplay. I could not find any situation where I was able to chain the fighthing combos you learn at Flamehead's gym. And when there's like 15-27 enemies in som instances on screen I even have problem seeing where I'm at, resulting in hack and slash button mashing and hoping for the best.

The upgrade system is alright but again, the fighting moves you learn = waste of time and money.

Almost finished with the game (82%) but couldn't be bothered when I didn'd find it fun at all.

If you're in the mood for a isometric Zelda-like game with a crazy cast of characters, then you're in luck because that's exactly what Nobody Saves the World is. The gameplay is solid and a bit out of the ordinary due to the amount of playable characters you get to choose from with their own complete movesets and attacks. The bodybuilder, the magician and the horse where among my favourites, but the slug and the rat is also worth mentioning.

The game is filled with humour, quirky NPCs, slapstick and funny dialogue and if you're familiar with Guacamelee you know what to expect in that regard.

To me this was not a binge game, because when I had one third of the game left I needed a break and wasn't sure I would complete it, though having enjoyed it up until that moment. But returning to it a week later it felt "fresh" again and nobody ended up saving the world.

They tweak the gameplay for NG+ and the new rules sounded fun, but my run with the game was fullfilled. Happy to have played it.

This game was so boring and disappointing that I can't be bothered to write a proper critique. Don't spend your money on a physical copy like I did.

17th march 24: Note to self: Watched the first hour and a half of gameplay on yt, a tour de force in exposition dumping with a boring as hell HQ and uninteresting lore dumping in first real mission. And it looks enemy spamming as hell as well. Stay away.

Why did you have to go for the woke shitty intro thing?
If you want to do the female girl boss thing: look to Darksiders 3. Fury just IS badass, she has no need to tell the world because her actions so clearly shows it.
And the art of "show, dont tell" seems to be lost in the world where scoring woke points is of priority. And it keeps going all the way into the HQ with angry stoic female characters and fumbling donuts aka "men".


Nice, like a cup of tea. Probably won't remember it a year from now, but enjoyed it and could have one more later on.

Played on Nintendo Switch. Nothing too demanding puzzle wise, but quite annoying not being able to rebind the buttons, that would've made the action parts less clunky.

Very addictive gameplay and a fun world to explore. The power up system is made in a manner so you can adjust the challenge without changing the difficulty and you can choose for yourself what and when you want to take advantage of them. It's not hard in any way, so it's also a good game for relaxing with.