It seems like Supergiant Games has a knack for creating a visual style and world building which hooks me in, but does not deliver any sort of gameplay that brings me enjoyment. It was not clear to me that this was the same company behind Transistor and Bastion when I bought Pyre, but had I known I probably would have avoided this game altogether.

A well made experience with an interesting story and a great narrating voice actor! But I find it hard to describe this as a game. It's more like a "story walker" with a tight script, and the few interactive elements does not count as "gameplay" (to me atleast). But it's worth your time, hands down.

I don't get virtue signaling trigger warnings in front of a game. As if an acute suicidal person would boot up a game to begin with, but even if so, would be in a clear state of mind to read said trigger warning and act accordingly.

I "survived" until I got the screen card "Day 1". It's like 20 min into the game, by then I've had it with the obnoxious and passive aggressive MC, the stuttering side characters, the "wobbly" camera when walking, having to get to a spesific location to trigger the next event in the game, and the overall lack of believability of the framework this story sets up.

Easy skip and I would have claimed a refund if possible.

Play SOMA or What Remains of Edith Finch instead of this crap.

Not much to add to the almost decade long praise this game has been subject to. But also an exhausting experience, so I didn't bother with the Nameless King at the 'peak before ending the final boss. Having played Sekiro and Bloodborne before any Dark Souls-games I did'nt feel like there was any benefit in skills aquired in those two games, but the general slower gameplay pacing in DS3 suited me better. Which is why the two other games are still unfinished and DS3 is completed.

In case you been on the fence because of hype (as I have, I admit), you're missing out.

Unplayable bc of camera wiggling back and forth every time you attack. I get it's a stylistic choice from the devs but this should be possible to turn off.

Oh, Bloodborne. You are really something out of the ordinary, but also incredibly demanding and unforgiving. Having just finished DS3 and returning to the world of the hunters it's very obvious Bloodborne demands a more risky and aggressive playstyle and that you have to rely on your gun as a pre-emptive shield or stun gun. And the blood bullets are there for a reason.

I thought I would get the option of wether I wanted to start a NG+ after the final boss, but no. So take note if you've not completed the DLC or other areas.