Had a lot of fun playing this game. I got to be a purple Green Arrow superhero girl with a cowboy hat and speed powers like the Flash. Traveling anywhere on the map was a breeze! There were a lot of fun missions and stuff, but once I got to the point where all that was left was missions that you had to pay for, I lost interest. I didn't have any spare money at the time, I was still in high school (sometime in 2016, last played in 2019). Anyways, speed running around shooting enemies with arrows was awesome. Also working with Superman and the other heroes was really cool. You also have the option to be a villain and work with the villains if you want to cause chaos. Personally, I'd rather help people so I chose hero. I still have some of the lines from the clowns stuck in my head..."Present for ya." "You're gonna die laughing." "Put on a show, you'll be helping us out!" and of course the unhinged "Ahahahaha!!" I don't like clowns, but they have amazing voice acting, makes me laugh every time. Also from a certain villain, "Freshly made knuckle sandwiches - come and get them!"

Loved this game as a kid, my grandma got it for me for Christmas. Never could figure out how to beat it back then. Replaying it was very nostalgic, I still remember all the little sound effects and the way you can make any cake you want and a lot of times a customer will buy it. I played it start to finish in about 4 hours on Dec 15, 2023, just for the fun of it. My only critique for this game is that there's no voice acting. The cutscenes are like comic strips, which is cute, but I feel like they could've done more with it. Otherwise, loved the gameplay, making cakes and selling them, and seeing all the different customers and how each type of customer shows their own personality.

This review contains spoilers

Very good story, I loved the part about Minfilia and Urianger acting like her older brother 🥺 The concept of restoring the darkness and peace of night to a world stuck in endless daylight with monsters and chaos and sickness was very wowww. The fact that the player character almost dies in order to do that for everyone 🥲

I believe this is where my FFXIV journey began, years ago - when I came up with the name Raelyn Luna for my character. My oldest sibling bought me the level skip so I started as a low level archer and they switched me to summoner, and instantly to level 60. Tons of new abilities and buttons to press! This was back before they simplified SMN, there were so many buttons and a very specific order of actions to get the best damage. It was a lot to get used to, but I did and it was fun playing together. Having no background on the story, I had no idea what was going on but I rolled with it.

Loved this game as a kid. My dad let me play on his PSP when we'd go on our long trips to see Gma and I'd play this game. I remember building so many rides and getting to customize the colors! And run around the park and ride the rides. I also recall a cleanup minigame, where you go around a suck up all the vomit (weird thing to be fascinated by, I know). But ahhh this game was so much fun!

Had so much fun playing this with family as a kid. Occasionally someone would throw the bowling ball backwards just so we could all laugh at the reaction. Also loved playing baseball and tennis with my sister. Picked up boxing when I got a little older, also very fun. Easy to play awhile and end up sore the next day. But sadly, our disc stopped working. It was well loved - our very first Wii game.

Had a lot of fun playing as a kid. Highlights include dumpster diving and collecting all the things...and playing all the mini games of course.

Was really fun (when the camera would pick up your movements). Our Eyetoy cam was rather janky at times. I loved the vibes of this game as a kid though.

Wanted to love this game...but after the tutorial, I couldn't figure out how to catch prey. It kept getting away and I couldn't bear to watch my cat die of starvation. Talk about a tragedy. Maybe I'll come back to it at some point and try again.

"Oh no, it's the glob monster!!" (Which was scary back in the day!)
"A whole tray of..thank you."
"Half a tray of..thank you."
Had a lot of fun playing this game as a kid, some things about this game are kinda strange to look back on though.

Always thought it would be cool to be a figure skater, but too scared to go for it in real life. We didn't have the money for lessons anyway. Loved that I could skate virtually through this game.

"Congratulations! You've just become the park's new manager!"
Absolutely loved this game as a kid. The graphics weren't great and it was sometimes glitchy, but I had so much fun building lego parks. "Plont a flowah." Loved the VA's accent. Also I learned what a petrol station was at a young age (it's called a gas station here). Would play again if the game would work (sadly it doesn't).

Was one of the most boring horse riding games I played as a kid. Had it on pc and it was confusing trying to figure out where everything was. You had to actually go over to things to use them, which was fine if you know where to go. But frustrating when the game is all like "your horse has xyz disease" and doesn't tell you what to do about it. At the age I played this, I didn't know these kind of things. We had dial-up internet so I wasn't about to look it up. Anyways, you could ride your horse out in the open, but the competitions as I recall, were just boring dialogue "congrats, you got 3rd place" or whatever. Tons of items, feed, & meds but it seems like I didn't have the right thing when my horse was sick so she got taken away. Broke my heart. I cringe, my heart still hurts looking at other people's screenshots of this game. That experience really crushed me as a kid.

Was a cute horse game but very limited. I had this game on pc but it was like a tamagotchi but better graphics. All you do is feed and pet your horse. You could race your horse, but it was just click the mouse rapidly to go faster, that's all there was to it. A lot of the time the game was very glitchy and quit a lot. Especially after or during a race. Game left a lot to be desired.

"Another great day for riding!"
Top tier horse riding and competition game I played as a kid. My sister and I loved playing multiplayer and competing against each other. She usually won, as the older sibling generally does, but it was still really fun.