Enjoyed playing this with my dad. Never played the story, but it was fun driving around.

Fun memories playing this at my aunt & uncle's house with family.

"Michael Jordan's back!!"
"Gone MJ! Do your thang!"
Michael Jordan was always on my team. I remember the npcs exclaiming about him often. Had a lot of fun playing this game. I got into basketball as a preteen, never played on a team or anything irl but enjoyed shooting hoops.

One of the most memorable games I played as a kid. We had a blast playing this game over the years. Loved the racing. Sometimes my sister and I would play 1v1 and "decorate the rooms" in Luigi's mansion and a couple of the other arenas. We'd see how many items we could place without running into things. Sometimes we got so many that they started disappearing as we placed something new!

Fun times with family. Most of the time my older siblings would only let me be player 2, so I only got to watch and collect the bits for them every now and then. It's pretty fun replaying it now, kinda wish I had a younger sibling to collect the bits for me. The soundtrack is amazing. I still remember all the little sound effects. The hungry lumas were one of my favorite parts of the game 😆 "Transfoooooooorrrrrrm!"

The nostalgia. I will never forget the portrait of Peach that turns into Bowser as you get closer, it was kinda scary as a kid.

Nostalgia. Enjoyed playing this as a kid.

This game was awesome! Got to be a cat and run around, knock everything off. Truly the best cat sim mobile game, I had so much fun.

Had fun playing this with my sister back when it was popular. Lots of random trivia lives rent free in my brain.

Loved this game, it's probably how I got really good at spelling as a kid. I'd play this for hours.

Loved playing this game...until it started glitching so bad and force quitting, it became unplayable. Very sad.

Fun little bakery game that runs in real time. I started playing this years after Cafe World from Facebook, it's very similar. I think I started playing this back in 2016 or 2017 and I took a few breaks from it since then. I've put so much time into my bakery that I don't want to put it down, but it does get kinda boring after awhile. It's the same everyday stuff: make food, serve when ready (try not to let it spoil!), give gifts to friends, visit when you have time, rinse and repeat. New decorations every now and then are always fun. There's new goals every couple weeks to complete, and it's very difficult to complete them! Especially when you have work and all kinds of other stuff to do in real life. I have a few critiques about this game that could be fixed. First, all the pop-ups! The ad that suddenly pops up and if you happen to tap the screen, it takes you away from the game, to some website, then to the app store. Ugh! The other pop-ups about the specials and gems and stuff could be an icon on the side. When I get on, I'm trying to serve my food before it spoils, not deal with all these pop-ups! Next, there needs to be categories for gifts, not just an endless scrolling list. A category for the special new parts, one for the basic parts, one for food, etc. Cut all the scrolling to get to basic parts and food that other players want! Lastly, make this game playable offline. A few times that I took long breaks from this game were because I was frustrated that the game kept glitching and clearing my progress. I would go in and serve my food and start new food, then the game would glitch and suddenly none of it exists. My stoves/appliances were all blank and no food was served. Gets very frustrating spending time to do all that and then it's just gone, gotta do it again. Aside from all that, I've had fun playing this.

This game took pure determination to beat...and for some reason, I felt like playing it again on hard...and beat it. Just because I can. (Pro gaming, eh?) But for real, it plays like a card game. You have to know the rules and quickly decide your play because the enemy doesn't wait.

Kingdom Hearts, my beloved. Peak KH gameplay with peak music. The story dragged a bit through all the Disney stuff, but the ending was really good. I could go on and on about how much fun I had playing this. All the different keyblades and leveling them up, and finding all the lucky emblems to get a certain keyblade. Replaying on critical to get another special keyblade. Grinding a bit to get the stuff for the ultima weapon. Leveling up to max level. Peak boss fights at the end of the game. Game was very wowww, not to mention, beautiful graphics!

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Love this game! The characters, the music, the gameplay. Kingdom Hearts music is just so >chef's kiss< And a crumb of new lore at the end! Love Kairi, but pls let her hold her own in a fight, she's fully capable now! It was kinda neat to see that she still has a deep connection with Sora, to be able to call upon him like that. It's about time for Kairi to rise up and fight alongside Riku, or maybe Donald and Goofy.