My friends are my power!
KH, my beloved. My first taste of KH was back when I was little, watching my older siblings play. BBS was the first one I actually played, on the PSP back in the day. We moved and I forgot about it for many years, until KH3 came out and sibling offered to let me play. Had no idea what was going on, but I remembered Sora, Riku, and the BBS trio, which made me want to play the entire series to find out what happened. Since then, I've replayed the series multiple times. Had so much fun playing. Would definitely play again. I'm working on 100% on every game. I currently have 1 more trophy to get (hard mode) on KH1 before I move on to the next game.

It's fun (I say as I've spent thousands of hours playing), but I honestly enjoyed Sims 3 pets more. Sims 4 is missing the ability to actually play as your pets. The added vet practice is quite fun though.

I enjoyed this game until the enderman found me and I lost all my tools and stuff...didn't know at the time that you could go back and retrieve it. Rip. Might try again sometime.

Nothing quite like being an ant and causing chaos, taking over the house and kicking out the humans!

Enjoyed playing this with my dad. Never played the story, but it was fun driving around.

Fun memories playing this at my aunt & uncle's house with family.

"Michael Jordan's back!!"
"Gone MJ! Do your thang!"
Michael Jordan was always on my team. I remember the npcs exclaiming about him often. Had a lot of fun playing this game. I got into basketball as a preteen, never played on a team or anything irl but enjoyed shooting hoops.

One of the most memorable games I played as a kid. We had a blast playing this game over the years. Loved the racing. Sometimes my sister and I would play 1v1 and "decorate the rooms" in Luigi's mansion and a couple of the other arenas. We'd see how many items we could place without running into things. Sometimes we got so many that they started disappearing as we placed something new!

Fun times with family. Most of the time my older siblings would only let me be player 2, so I only got to watch and collect the bits for them every now and then. It's pretty fun replaying it now, kinda wish I had a younger sibling to collect the bits for me. The soundtrack is amazing. I still remember all the little sound effects. The hungry lumas were one of my favorite parts of the game 😆 "Transfoooooooorrrrrrm!"

The nostalgia. I will never forget the portrait of Peach that turns into Bowser as you get closer, it was kinda scary as a kid.

Nostalgia. Enjoyed playing this as a kid.

This game was awesome! Got to be a cat and run around, knock everything off. Truly the best cat sim mobile game, I had so much fun.

Had fun playing this with my sister back when it was popular. Lots of random trivia lives rent free in my brain.

Loved this game, it's probably how I got really good at spelling as a kid. I'd play this for hours.

Loved playing this game...until it started glitching so bad and force quitting, it became unplayable. Very sad.