Don't you dare die before playing this masterpiece

Ah the job system, my beloved.
Simple but cute story
Charming graphics
Judge system is annoying (but manageable)

There is something extremely charming about Game Boy games but I'm not sure what it is exactly.

It was a nightmare to finish this game but since it's the first one and is a Nes RPG I guess that's okay.

This was straight up torture and I can clearly see why this is the black sheep of the series. Avoid this at all cost
and go play the remake unless you are a fan of the series and want to see its roots.

I can only imagine how good this game would be if it was actually finished

Masterpiece of a game and my favorite FF. So much better than the original. Added cutscenes and extra content are amazing. And more importantly the translation is great and use of shakespearean in dialogue is so artistic. Only downside is slowdowns while casting magic but it can be easily fixed with a patch, this is the definitive version of the game for sure.

This game is beyond words. It feels impossible to express how good it is, I really don't think I can give its due.

I'm in a love-hate relationship with this game but it's so much better than previous games and the first solid entry in the franchise. I would really love this game if it wasn't for its brutal difficulty and it's lifeless normal ending (True ending is pretty good but hard to obtain and game doesn't tell you how to get it). But in the end this game added so much to the series and has a bunch of really good map designs.

Very solid and well polished mechanics, but content is so limited that the game can't benefit from it, it feels too small. Atmosphere and music are pretty good though.

Kind of a slowburn but worth every second of it.

Pretty bare bones but fun and somewhat immersive due to great atmosphere and music.
It gets brutally tough towards the end though. So much so that it's not even funny. It feels impossible to deal with magic projectiles with a melee character. Unless you're using fire wall magic that is, which I've never used.

Presentation is amazing for a mobile game.